All Crafting Ingredient combinations in Monster Hunter Wilds

In the game “Monster Hunter Wilds“, there’s a comprehensive crafting mechanism, where you can concoct various items based on diverse recipes.

At a campsite, vendors sell various items, but you need coins to buy these items. Instead of using your coins, crafting lets you create goods on your own within the game. This guide provides all the recipe combinations found in the game.

Full Crafting Ingredient Combinations in Monster Hunter Wilds

NumberItemIngredient 1Ingredient 2Auto-Craft
002Mega PotionHerbHoneyYes
003First-aid Med+First-aid MedHoneyYes
004AntidoteAntidote HerbN/AYes
005Herbal MedicineAntidoteBlue MushroomYes
006DeodorantSmokenutBitterbug BrotYes
007CleanserFire HerbGodbug EsenceYes
008Max PotionCatalystMandragoraYes
009CatalystBitterbug BrothHoneyYes
010ImmunizerBitterbug BrothMandragoraYes
011Ancient PotionImmunizerNourishing ExtractNo
012LifepowderGodbug EssenceBlue MushroomYes
013Dust of LifeGodbug EssenceGloamgrass BudYes
014Herbal PowderGodbug EssenceHerbal MedicineYes
015Energy DrinkNitroshroomHoneyYes
016Cool DrinkChillshroomN/AYes
017Hot DrinkHot PepperN/AYes
018Dash JuiceCatalystDash ExtractNo
019DemondrugCatalystMight SeedYes
020Mega DemondrugNourishing ExtractDemondrugNo
021Demon PowderGodbug EssenceMight SeedYes
022Might PillImmunizerMight SeedYes
023ArmorskinCatalystAdamant SeedYes
024Mega ArmorskinNourishing ExtractArmorskinNo
025Hardshell PowderGodbug EssenceAdamant SeedYes
026Adamant PillImmunizerAdamant SeedYes
028GunpowderFire HerbNitroshroomYes
029Barrel BombFire HerbSmall BarrelYes
030Large Barrel BombGunpowderLarge BarrelNo
031Mega Barrel BombDevil’s BlightLarge Barrel BombYes
032Mega Barrel BombGunpowderfish ScaleLarge Barrel BombYes
033Smoke BombSmokenutIvyYes
034Poison Smoke BombSmokenutToadstoolYes
035Flash PodFlashbug ProsperN/AYes
036Dung PodRolled-up DungN/AYes
037Dung PodDungN/AYes
038Large Dung PodDung PodNitroshroomYes
039Luring PodExciteshroomBitterbug BrothYes
040Poisoned MeatRaw MeatToadstoolYes
041Tinged MeatRaw MeatPrashroomYes
042Drugged MeatRaw MeatSleep HerbYes
043NetIvySpider WebYes
044Pitfall TrapTrap FoolNetNo
045Shock TrapTrap FoolThunderbug CapacitorYes
046Tranq BombSleep HerbParashroomYes
047Tranq BladeTranq BombNormal AmmoNo
048Tranq BladeTranq BombThrowing KnifeNo
049Sticky AmmoBlastnutN/AYes
050Sticky AmmoNormal AmmoBlue Arowana ScaleYes
051Cluster BombBomberryN/AYes
052Slicing AmmoSlashberryN/AYes
053Slicing AmmoNormal AmmoBurst Arowana ScaleYes
054Flaming AmmoNormal AmmoFire HerbYes
055Water AmmoNormal AmmoFlowfernYes
056Thunder AmmoNormal AmmoThunderbug CapacitorYes
057Freeze AmmoNormal AmmoSnow HerbYes
058Dragon AmmoNormal AmmoDragonfall BerryYes
059Poison AmmoNormal AmmoToadstoolYes
060Paralysis AmmoNormal AmmoParashroomYes
061Sleep AmmoNormal AmmoSleep HerbYes
062Exhaust AmmoNormal AmmoExciteshroomYes
063Recover AmmoNormal AmmoBlue mushroomYes
064Demon AmmoNormal AmmoMight SeedYes
065Armor AmmoNormal AmmoAdamant SeedYes
066Wyvern AmmoDragonstrike NutN/AYes

You can acquire the necessary materials for making these things in a variety of ways. Some of these materials can be sourced from various small creatures that inhabit diverse ecosystems. For your convenience, refer to our guide on Endemic Species and their habitats to locate the items you require.

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2025-03-01 12:48