Lost In The Wiki Backrooms: A Horror Game You Can’t Win

Have you ever experienced a horror game set in a liminal space? You know, the type where corridors seem to go on forever, doors open onto nothingness, and the atmosphere is strangely dense? Now, envision this scenario transformed: instead of haunting yellow wallpaper and intermittent fluorescent lights, you’re meandering through an endless museum. A game where the exits are mere illusions, and the knowledge within is as boundless as the abyss. Welcome to the Museum of All Things, a terrifying experience constructed from the vast expanse of Wikipedia itself.

The Hallways Never End, And Neither Does The Information

As a gamer, I’ve stumbled upon an intriguing creation, built by Maya Claire using the Godot Engine, and featuring chilling audio by Neomoon’s Willow Wolf. This isn’t your typical game; it’s more like a museum that generates exhibition spaces based on Wikipedia pages as you delve deeper. The more data you feed it, the more it expands. Unlike traditional museums with corridors, this one is a labyrinth of sorts, filled with infinite rooms nestled within each other. Each room is neatly labeled, but they all seem to exist in isolation, devoid of any context. It’s an intriguing puzzle, waiting to be solved.

Instead of hyperlinks, small arrows guide you further. You pass through a threshold labeled “The Doppler Effect,” leading to “List of Unusual Sounds,” then “Hearing,” then “Auditory Hallucinations,” and eventually – Quiet. The lights dim briefly. Was that an air vent murmuring just now? Or perhaps a distant announcement, or your mind echoing?

Knowledge Is Power, But Here, It’s A Curse

Essentially, this tool serves an educational purpose, and it’s pretty amazing too! If you need a break from learning, you can exit to the real world by using the pause menu and visiting the actual Wikipedia page. However, at some point, your focus shifts from acquiring knowledge to ensuring survival. The walls adjust seamlessly, showing no concern for your feelings. The polished surfaces mirror the exhibits, but never yourself. And then it dawns on you: this place is vast yet confining. You were not intended to depart from here, not truly.

“Once you step into this Itch.io game, it might be hard to leave the same way you came in.” Perhaps by discovering the correct link or door, you may find your exit. But there’s also a chance that you’ll continue exploring.

Maybe you’ll find me. I’ve been here a while. Somewhere between Cranberries and Morbus Crohn.

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2025-02-27 15:40