Reverse 1999 Chapter 4 Questions And Answers

If you find yourself struggling with the origami tasks and the transistor-inspired start-to-finish challenge in Chapter 4 of Reverse: 1999, don’t worry! We’re more than happy to lend a hand and guide you through it.

As you make your way through the primary tale in Reverse: 1999, you’ll encounter numerous challenges and brain teasers presented in diverse manners. Solving these will help advance your journey within the game.

In this game, the quizzes are centered around general knowledge (trivia), whereas the challenges or problems (puzzles) change as you progress through different stages and frequently take shape as smaller games, challenging you to navigate from a starting point to the end (start to goal).

Players who have been familiar with the 1999 CN version of Reverse and have invested a reasonable amount of time in the game might find these quizzes and puzzles relatively straightforward. However, it’s worth noting that some newcomers to the game could encounter difficulties, given that we tend to bypass many dialogues and information during our progression through the main storyline.

To assist these players, let’s provide them with an accessible guide containing all the answers for the quizzes and puzzles found in Chapter 4 of Reverse: 1999. Enjoy your problem-solving adventure!

All Quiz Answers & Puzzle Solutions In Reverse 1999 Chapter 4

Moving backwards in time to the year 1999: As you advance through Chapter 4, you’ll encounter two puzzles. The first one asks you to link nodes that are yellow in color, guiding you from the start point to the goal. The second puzzle involves shifting a bar until a sheet of paper forms the shape of a boat.

As a gamer, here’s how I might rephrase that: “Each of these brain teasers feels like its own hidden challenge, one you could attempt to conquer on your own before peeking at the solution.

Delighted by the intriguing challenges within Chapter 4 of Reverse: 1999, I’ve compiled a list of answers to help solve the puzzles that come your way. Enjoy the journey!

4-6Connecting nodes from start to goal
4-10Moving the bar until the paper takes the shape of a boat

To help you with the puzzles found in Chapter 4, use the provided screenshots as a point of reference.

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2025-02-02 18:47