In the latest installments of “The Bold and the Beautiful,” the narrative revolves around the turmoil between the Logans and Forresters, as the Logans seized control over Forrester Creations. Viewers are captivated by this plot development. However, in an unexpected twist, the new episode is not set to air on Monday, January 20, 2025. This brings us to question, why isn’t a fresh episode of “The Bold and the Beautiful” scheduled for broadcast on Monday, January 20, 2025?
Here is everything you need to know about the latest chaos surrounding the daily soap opera.
Here’s why The Bold and the Beautiful doesn’t air on Monday, January 20
On Monday, January 20, The Bold and the Beautiful will not be broadcasted because the presidential inauguration is set to air on that channel instead.
As a devoted fan, I’ve been hearing some buzz lately about potential interruptions in our beloved series, possibly due to the Los Angeles fire or perhaps a new daily soap called Beyond the Gates. Although these rumors seem speculative at best, the absence of a new episode on Monday has left us fans scratching our heads, eagerly awaiting clarification and updates.
The new episode won’t air on January 20, 2025, because CBS is focusing on broadcasting President Donald Trump’s inauguration instead. This significant event is scheduled to start by noon, Eastern Standard Time, and the network plans to showcase all its highlights. Therefore, The Bold and the Beautiful will not be aired that day.
Moreover, neither General Hospital nor The Young and the Restless will broadcast fresh episodes on Mondays too. The rationale remains consistent. However, Days of Our Lives’ schedule won’t be impacted because it streams on Peacock. Nonetheless, this pause is momentary as The Bold and the Beautiful, The Young and the Restless, and General Hospital are set to return shortly. Their new episodes will debut on Tuesday, January 21, 2024.
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2025-01-20 10:10