The much-awaited anime titled “Sakamoto Days” has been released at last! Created from the manga by Yuto Suzuki, this series follows the life of Taro Sakamoto, a former assassin, who is compelled to return to action due to the need to safeguard his loved ones. The tale unfolds as he encounters thrilling adventures, unexpected twists, and turns. With the initial broadcast, many fans are eagerly waiting for news on whether there will be a second season of “Sakamoto Days“.
Here’s everything you should be aware of concerning the possible launch date for Sakamoto Days Season 2, along with insights into its expected arrival time.
Is there a Sakamoto Days Season 2 release date?
Currently, there’s no confirmed release date for Sakamoto Days Season 2, though we might hear about it later on.
While fans eagerly anticipate another season of the anime, it’s gathered mainly positive feedback from both critics and viewers. Fans find themselves captivated by the protagonist’s thrilling struggle to safeguard his loved ones against adversaries. Yet, the possibility of a sequel hinges on viewership numbers on the streaming service. Therefore, fans will have to stay patient for an official announcement from the creators.
Where is Sakamoto Days Season 2 coming out?
Sakamoto Days Season 2 could come out on Netflix.
Since the initial season debuted on Netflix, it’s likely that any potential Season 2 of Sakamoto Days will also air there.
This show boasts an exceptional ensemble of voice actors including Nobunaga Shimazaki, Tomokazu Sugita, Ayane Sakura, Nao Toyama, Ryōta Suzuki, Hina Kino, Taku Yashiro, among several others.
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2025-01-19 20:40