LOTR: The Hunt for Gollum Writers Want Viggo Mortensen Back as Aragorn

As a die-hard Lord of the Rings fan who has lived and breathed Middle Earth for decades, I can hardly contain my excitement over the prospect of Viggo Mortensen reprising his iconic role as Aragorn in The Hunt for Gollum. It’s not every day that you get to see your favorite characters come back to life on the silver screen!

The creative team responsible for the successful Lord of the Rings film trilogy and the upcoming live-action adaptation, The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum, are hoping to bring Viggo Mortensen back into the role of Aragorn for the new movie.

In an interview set to air soon on The Playlist, Philippa Boyens – who co-wrote the original Lord of the Rings trilogy and collaborated with Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh throughout the franchise – expressed interest in having Viggo Mortensen reprise his role if he’s willing.

In simple terms, Boyens stated that the decision about whether Viggo will return as Aragorn is entirely in his hands. They’ve had discussions with Viggo, Andy Serkis, and Peter Jackson, and everyone seems to agree that it’s hard to imagine anyone else playing Aragorn. However, ultimately, the final decision rests with Viggo himself.

The Hunt for Gollum wouldn’t use A.I. to de-age Mortensen

Boyens also made a brief mention of the movie, set during The Fellowship of the Ring, just before Frodo departs from the Shire for Rivendell. This film will focus on Aragorn as Gandalf assigns him the mission to locate Gollum prior to him disclosing any crucial details about the One Ring to others, potentially reaching Sauron.

Even though Mortensen appeared older during his role as Aragorn compared to his real age, Boyens confirmed that they wouldn’t resort to using artificial intelligence for the process of de-aging him.

According to Boyens, while Andy desires to collaborate with him, it’s not about utilizing A.I., but rather developing a digital makeup. Whether Viggo accepts this role or not will hinge on the quality of the script. Since Viggo hasn’t received a script yet, it’s only fair to give him time to decide if he finds a compelling performance opportunity in it. Once a suitable script is written, it will be up to Viggo and Andy to figure out how to bring that role to life.

If Mortensen doesn’t wish to repeat his character, Boyens mentioned that they would prefer him to remain “deeply engaged” in the project. However, they emphasized that any decisions about this matter are not yet immediate concerns.

Boyens implied that they hope he’ll remain deeply involved in the project even if he chooses not to participate, but such a decision is far off. He needs to read the script first, and that’s what Boyens plans to focus on after this interview.

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2024-12-04 23:10