Marvel Snap October 10, 2024 update buffs Zabu & nerfs clog decks

Marvel Snap October 10, 2024 update buffs Zabu & nerfs clog decks

As a seasoned player of this marvelous game, I must say that these updates have left me both intrigued and amused. The changes to Kingpin, Scream, Fisk Tower, and Grand Master seem well thought out, making the game more intuitive and consistent, which is always a good thing. However, losing the interaction with Juggernaut for Scream feels like taking away a sweet treat from a hungry child!

The most recent adjustment to Marvel Snap has introduced fresh buffs and tweaks for the game’s diverse set of cards. This update signifies a shift in strategy towards countering clog decks, starting with a reduction in power for Window’s Kiss. Similarly, Zabu has undergone changes that enhance its usefulness across multiple decks, ending a period of being relatively weak and infrequently used.

Marvel Snap October 10, 2024 patch notes

Marvel Snap October 10, 2024 update buffs Zabu & nerfs clog decks

This week saw the release of the most recent Marvel Snap update across all platforms, and it’s crucial to acknowledge its potential impact on future adjustments and decisions. The Marvel Snap developers aim to weaken the general strength of clog decks while making them more engaging for opponents. A prime example is the revised Window’s Kiss card, which now includes a workaround provision, and future clog deck cards will follow suit with similar limitations. For a detailed rundown of these changes, see below:

As an enthusiast, I’m thrilled about today’s updates that aim to shake up the current meta by toning down a few dominant decks. This should lead to a more diverse gameplay experience. Additionally, there are some strength enhancements for certain cards, and guess who’s back? None other than Zabu!


  • [Old] 2/3 – On Reveal: Until the end of next turn, your 4-Cost cards cost 1 less.
  • [New] 1/2 – On Reveal: Give each 4-Cost card in your deck -1 Cost.

As a devoted fan, I’ve been eagerly anticipating the update on Zabu, and I believe this latest version won’t disappoint! Originally, we aimed to utilize Activate for Zabu’s arrival, but locating a design that struck the perfect balance between being too feeble and excessively powerful was challenging. Nonetheless, this iteration has sparked some innovative strategies within our team, and I’m thrilled about the prospect of a 1-Cost Zabu aligning thematically with Shanna and Ka-Zar. Here’s hoping we’ll witness it in action soon!


  • [Old] 4/6 – Activate: Discard 2 cards from your hand.
  • [New] 4/7 – Activate: Discard a card from your hand.

The switch from “On Reveal” to “Activate” for the card “Hellcow” revitalized it, but made it too powerful in “Hela” decks. These decks have remained popular more than we expected, despite their win rates remaining constant. To encourage a varied game environment, we’re adjusting Hellcow to be less potent within this deck.

Widow’s Kiss (White Widow)

  • [Old] 0/0 – Ongoing: This has -3 Power. Disable this ability if your side of this location is full.
  • [New] 0/-4 – Destroy this when your side of this location is full.

Over the past year, we’ve gained considerable knowledge about a popular archetype known as the “clog” deck. This term encompasses any strategy that seeks to conquer opponent’s locations prior to turn 6, primarily by overcrowding them. Initially, these decks were less effective, but through experimentation and design refinements, they have evolved into a reliable and recurring choice among players.

we wish to create new cards for every game strategy, but we don’t want to introduce more clog cards similar to White Widow in power level.

In the future, we plan to incorporate “exit” options into many of our Clog cards, giving opponents flexibility to change their strategy and open up locations. This will make gameplay more engaging and allow us to develop additional cards. This modification could impact White Widow significantly, so we’ll keep an eye on her performance post-modification to determine if further adjustments are necessary. One exciting aspect of this update is that Red Guardian can now be combined with Yelena!


  • [Old] 3/5 – On Reveal: One of your other cards here with the lowest Power switches sides.
  • [Change] 3/5 -> 3/4

In a similar vein, the switch to Viper has led to a highly efficient card, one that’s so effective we’re considering reducing its Power slightly. Instead of reverting back to the original effect that randomly discards a card, we opted for a redesign that we believe enhances the experience for the Viper player. The change is substantial enough that we believe modifying the Power is a fair solution.

Kingpin, Scream, and Fisk Tower

  • [Change] No longer affects unrevealed cards.

In most cases, we don’t allow hidden cards to affect one another unless specifically mentioned. However, the cards and location in question didn’t adhere to this rule. Although Juggernaut allows him to move hidden cards, these cards do not explicitly state that they can retaliate against other hidden cards. It’s crucial for interactions to remain consistent and straightforward. If Kingpin can affect hidden cards, it becomes perplexing if Hazmat cannot.

Instead of continually adding exceptions to the game, which can become complex and confusing for players, we have chosen to stick with the rule that unseen cards are not considered unless essential for a particular purpose, such as the Juggernaut card. This approach simplifies visual tracking and ensures consistency in aspects like Visual Effects (VFX). We aim to maintain an intuitive and consistent player experience through this decision.


  • [Old] 2/2 – When an enemy card moves, steal 2 Power from it. (once per turn)
  • [Change] 2/2 -> 2/3

It’s clear that not having Juggernaut as an interaction partner weakens Scream, and some players might have been eagerly anticipating Scream precisely because of this unique combo of effects. To make up for this, we’re going to slightly boost Scream’s abilities.

Grand Master

  • [Old] 2/2 – On Reveal: Move one of your other On Reveal cards here to the middle location. Its ability happens again.
  • [Change] 2/2 -> 2/3

 Grand Master is a really fun card to brew decks with, and it’s been underperforming. This extra Power shouldn’t put it over the top, but removes some of the downside of leaning into a card that has some situational hurdles to climb already.

Emperor Hulkling

  • [Old] 6/11 – At the start of the game, copy the text of a random 6-Cost card.
  • [Change] 6/11 -> 6/12

After conducting internal tests, we discovered some exceptionally potent Hulklings, however, we adjusted their balance values too aggressively during development, leading to a less powerful version of the card than intended for its target. Although a 5-Cost card is frequently desired, the initial version was excessively strong in this case. We’re opting to keep it at 6-Cost and focus on enhancing its Power instead.


  • [Old] 2/2 – On Reveal: Give every card in your deck +1 Power.
  • [Change] 2/2 -> 2/3

Lastly, but still quite significant, there’s an old-school card from the initial series gameplay. Okoye has been overshadowed by more powerful 2-Cost cards lately, however, Okoye performs admirably in tandem with cards like Scarlet Spider. Similar to Grand Master, this is a delightful card that’s currently used less than we’d like, so we’re enhancing its strength.

Here’s the summary for the Marvel Snap October 10, 2024 update: stay tuned to our Marvel Snap topic for the most recent updates and comprehensive coverage on the game!

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2024-10-10 23:57