How to navigate to the Act 1 Fieldwork Tab – Destiny 2

How to navigate to the Act 1 Fieldwork Tab - Destiny 2

As a seasoned Destiny 2 veteran with over a decade under my belt, I’ve become somewhat of a pro at navigating the game’s intricacies – even when Bungie decides to throw a curveball at us like the Act 1 Fieldwork tab.

In the fresh instalment of Destiny 2, there’s a plethora of activities to engage in, yet some seemingly straightforward tasks can seem deceptively complex. It seems we’ve encountered another one of those ‘Bungie moments,’ this time with the Act 1 Fieldwork tab.

How to navigate to the Act 1 Fieldwork Tab – Destiny 2

How to navigate to the Act 1 Fieldwork Tab - Destiny 2

To kick off Episode: Revenant, you’ll be guided to locate the Act 1 Fieldwork section. It’s quite straightforward.

Head towards the final city, find the building diagonally opposite the starting point, climb the stairs leading to it. Locate Eido there, engage with her and open her primary interface. Look for the green button beneath the ‘Fieldwork Items’ section in the menu, press it, and that concludes the task.

How to navigate to the Act 1 Fieldwork Tab - Destiny 2

After spending a decade playing Destiny, I must admit that navigation problems like this occur more frequently than one might think. Bungie sometimes assumes we’ll pick up new things quickly, which isn’t always the case. It feels similar to when they suddenly alter a key phrase in the game without warning us first.

With this menu now at your disposal, you can choose various quests or Fieldwork tasks which offer seasonal incentives to aid you in creating new potions. In case the message prompting you to visit the Fieldwork tab won’t disappear from your screen, I found that going to Orbit helped me get rid of it, so give that a try as well!

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2024-10-09 00:27