17 most hated Grey’s Anatomy characters ever

17 most hated Grey's Anatomy characters ever

As a long-time fan of Grey’s Anatomy, I must say that the characters who left the show with a sour taste in viewers’ mouths are those who were unnecessarily ruthless or arrogant. These individuals, like Alana Cahill, Shane Ross, Eliza Minnick, and Catherine Fox, seemed to forget the very purpose of their roles: saving lives and fostering an environment that nurtures growth and teamwork.

Over the course of its long run, Grey’s Anatomy has featured numerous characters. Some of these characters have won the hearts of fans, becoming their favorites. On the other hand, there are certain characters that viewers wish had never been part of the show and hope they don’t reappear.

With the commencement of the new season 21 of Grey’s Anatomy, let’s delve into the unpopular characters who have made their mark on our screens. We’ll be discussing them up to the latest premiere, but rest assured, there will be no spoilers from this episode if you’re still catching up. This discussion is all about the characters and why they became so disliked.

Leah Murphy

Leah Murphy joined as one of the recent interns following the promotion of MAGIC. However, from the start, it was evident that she had difficulty fitting in, implying a question about her suitability for the position. It’s worth noting that she managed to secure her spot through her connections with Mark Sloan within the program.

After spending time with Arizona, she started to be overly dependent. It was evident that her skills as a doctor were questionable and it seemed she wasn’t cut out for the position she held. Additionally, fans of Calzona were displeased by her role in the demise of their favorite ship. When she eventually departed, people were not particularly upset about it.

Penny Blake

In essence, Dr. Penny Blake is unfairly disliked due to misconceptions. While she’s frequently accused of being responsible for Derek’s death, it was not her fault. As an intern, she aimed to act ethically, but was saddled with a poor supervisor. Unfortunately, this unjust association has led to the perception that she is at fault.

Upon arriving at Grey Sloan Memorial, Penny found herself already facing resistance from Meredith. Things became more complicated when she began dating Callie, which put Arizona in her corner. Despite her efforts to persevere, the opportunity to move elsewhere presented an appealing prospect for her future.

17 most hated Grey's Anatomy characters ever

Owen Hunt

I have a love-hate relationship with Owen Hunt. I loved his introduction. He came in with a military background, and all he wanted to do was help. The problem was that meant using what was available. However, he owned up to his lack of hospital knowledge and asked for help.

During his time with Cristina, events took an unfortunate turn. It was discovered that she was experiencing a PTSD crisis following a plane crash, which he learned when they got married. His actions included pressuring her into having a child, and ultimately, infidelity. Since then, he’s found himself in one troubled relationship after another. Fans grew weary of him quickly due to the series of unfortunate events. However, he’s now making an effort to make amends, but many feel it’s coming too late.

17 most hated Grey's Anatomy characters ever

Teddy Altman

Teddy entered the scene with a plot twist that seemed destined to draw audience disapproval. She had initially shown interest in Owen while many fans were still backing Owen and Cristina as a pair. However, following the hospital shooting incident, she abandoned that interest and shifted her attention towards her work and later on, Henry.

Following Henry’s demise and her reappearance on Grey’s Anatomy, she gained notoriety as one of the most despised characters. This was largely due to her actions such as engaging in an affair with Tom Koracick, causing him significant pain, and simultaneously hurting Owen. To add fuel to the fire, she named her daughter after a former lover instead of a friend from 9/11.

17 most hated Grey's Anatomy characters ever

Sydney Heron

Regarding Sydney, it’s important to note that she hasn’t committed any transgressions. Instead, it was her distinctive character that led to a strong dislike among viewers, and this same character trait persists when she reappears in Season 21.

Sydney’s lively demeanor appears to be a coping mechanism, developed following the loss of a patient. She understood the necessity of maintaining a facade in the aftermath, which proved effective for her, despite many people preferring to keep their distance from her.

17 most hated Grey's Anatomy characters ever

Nicole Baylow

Let’s revisit the time when Bailey joined Grey Sloan Memorial as an intern initially. Her resident, Nicole Baylow, wasn’t particularly fond of her presence. To be fair, at that time, Bailey was quite different from the strong-willed woman she evolved into later on. Interestingly, it was Nicole who played a significant role in teaching Bailey how to assert herself.

What upset fans most was when Nicole asserted something belonging to Bailey as if it were hers. However, she was soon exposed, as Bailey demonstrated her worthiness to Webber, making it clear that she was an intern to keep an eye on. Thankfully, we only saw a glimpse of Nicole for a short period; I’m not sure I could handle an entire season with her!

17 most hated Grey's Anatomy characters ever

Erica Hahn

Initially, Erica Hahn appeared to be a stern instructor. However, she was precisely the mentor Cristina Yang required to become an exceptional cardiovascular surgeon. Moreover, we witnessed an engaging narrative unfolding as she navigated her journey of self-discovery regarding her sexuality later in life.

The issue was that her rigid teaching style often made her seem unapproachable. However, when she discovered that Izzy, Cristina, and others were involved in the Denny case, specifically that the LVAD wire had been severed, her anger intensified as she realized it could have been prevented, leading to the loss of her patient. Despite this revelation, viewers found it hard to sympathize with her, and we were relieved when she decided to leave.

17 most hated Grey's Anatomy characters ever

Paul Stark

Among some characters, there’s a certain air of mystery. One such person is Paul Stark, who joined the scene during the seventh season as the replacement for Arizona in the Pediatrics department. On-screen, he seemed less of an ally and more of a rival, frequently endangering patients and shying away from discussions with parents about their children. However, one might wonder what drew him to pediatrics.

Additionally, there was a time when it seemed as though Stark might be redeemed. He supported April in pursuing the role of Chief Resident, recognizing her abilities. However, Stark vanished from sight after that point.

17 most hated Grey's Anatomy characters ever

Tom Koracick

Over the course of many years, I’ve had a complex mix of affection and annoyance for several characters, and Tom Koracick is definitely one of them. He has this tendency to oscillate between being warm and distant, which often stems from his difficulty in setting aside personal feelings. This inconsistency makes it challenging to consistently admire and appreciate him.

Despite not always being sought out, he is always ready to lend a hand. He assisted April without her requesting it. He was there for Teddy, which unfortunately led to an affair. He even operated on Amelia’s brain tumor without using it against her – yes, he’s a doctor, but he can also be harsh towards those he feels are indebted to him. I sometimes yearn for Koracick, but I also appreciate his absences. It seems many fans share that sentiment.

17 most hated Grey's Anatomy characters ever

Charles Percy

After the merger of Grey Sloan and Mercy West, a fresh batch of interns joined us. Among them was Dr. Charles Percy, who swiftly managed to irritate everyone with his arrogance. He fancied himself as the top dog, but it didn’t take long for people to realize that his superiority wasn’t always justified.

It’s evident that Charles had no qualms about exploiting others for personal advantage, a fact made clear through his interactions with Izzy. At first, it seemed like he was aiming to befriend her, but eventually, he ridiculed and belittled her instead. Although his demise in the hospital shooting was undeserved, Bailey’s emotional response to his death makes it all the more poignant and heartbreaking.

Ellis Grey

Ellis Grey may not be easily disliked, given her talent and the era she lived in, but she is indeed disliked. Her drive to prove herself led to suppressing some of her emotions. Moreover, her intense devotion to medicine came at the expense of being a less-than-ideal mother to Meredith.

Beyond this, she was open to engaging in an extramarital relationship. Not only was she prepared to inflict pain on Webber’s wife, Adele, but also on her own husband. It is worth noting that she intended to elope with Webber until he opted for his wife instead. It was later discovered that she placed their child up for adoption without informing him and this only added to her reprehensible actions.

Thatcher Grey

Meredith’s dad shares some unsavory traits, too. The similarity between Meredith and Ellis was so striking that it sparked a deep dislike in Thatcher towards her. It’s unfortunate and unjust for any parent to feel such animosity towards their child; they should be able to distinguish between the person and their actions.

Later on, Ellis severed all contact with Meredith, despite being the one who relocated her across the country. It was only when his second family required medical attention that Meredith found out about their existence. Remarkably, Meredith donated a portion of her liver to him, but he remained unappreciative.

17 most hated Grey's Anatomy characters ever

Reed Adamson

It’s common knowledge that the medical field is highly competitive. It’s alright to strive for excellence, whether it’s rushing to the operating room or finding the correct solution. However, this doesn’t give anyone the right to trample on others or manipulate circumstances to their advantage. Unfortunately, it seems Reed Adamson missed that particular memo. When April was initially let go, she soon discovered that she didn’t have many allies in the profession.

Could it be possible that Reed might have found redemption, similar to how Jackson Avery did? There was a glimmer of hope, but ultimately, she met her untimely death as one of the casualties in the hospital shooting, and there weren’t many mourning her passing.

17 most hated Grey's Anatomy characters ever

Alana Cahill

Dr. Cahill arrived with a singular purpose: to try and rescue the hospital from its financial turmoil following the plane crash. Unfortunately, her strategies rapidly turned her into one of the most loathed characters on Grey’s Anatomy. The situation became even more contentious when she managed to find a new owner for the hospital, not with the intention of saving it.

By then, she left no room for doubt that only one path remained – selling it for pieces. Thankfully, amidst the aftermath of the plane crash, Meredith and fellow victims were tirelessly working on saving the hospital. All they required was more time.

17 most hated Grey's Anatomy characters ever

Shane Ross

Over time, as the initial interns moved up professionally, fresh interns were needed for the program. Among these newcomers was Shane Ross, who demonstrated an impressive readiness to go above and beyond to succeed. This involved testing limits and disregarding instructions.

In essence, Ross repeatedly ignored commands to such an extent that he tragically lost a significant patient – the father of Alex Karev. Remarkably, despite this grave act, he suffered no repercussions. When he chose to depart with Cristina, there was little outcry.

Eliza Minnick

In the beginning of Season 13 of Grey’s Anatomy, the hospital required significant improvements. This transformation, however, took the form of Eliza Minnick, who was overly bold and arrogant. Instead of leading with empathy and collaboration, she preferred a more authoritative approach, earning her the title of boss rather than leader. As a result, many viewers developed a strong dislike for her character.

Minnick was never concerned with the team’s dynamics. She didn’t mind what was working or not. Instead, she believed herself to be an authority, as is often seen in medical dramas, and this approach rarely works out well. Thankfully, her tenure was limited to just one season!

17 most hated Grey's Anatomy characters ever

Catherine Fox

The least loved character on “Grey’s Anatomy” might be Catherine Fox. Initially, she wasn’t as detestable, more just disliked. However, it’s important to note that she showed a willingness to intervene and save the hospital with Jackson Avery at the helm.

As a devoted fan, I must admit that things took a turn when Cristina was denied the Harper Avery award due to the hospital being owned by the organization. Yet, she found a workaround, but this seems to have marked a shift in her character. She evolved into someone more self-centered and vain, prioritizing wealth over the wellbeing of patients. By the climax of Grey’s Anatomy Season 20, Cristina dismissed several attendings, leaving us with numerous doubts about her potential redemption in Season 21. Frankly, it appears quite unlikely!

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 10/9c on ABC. Catch up the following day on Hulu.

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2024-09-30 21:24