As a seasoned gamer with years of battle royale experience under my belt, I must say that this latest update from the developers of Form is truly impressive! The new Cashout tutorial seems to be a significant improvement, making the game more enjoyable and less confusing for newcomers while still maintaining its challenging nature.
Season 4 of The Finals is now underway, bringing with it a fresh batch of updates. In this version 4.0.0, Embark Studios has made modifications to existing weapons, equipment, and specializations, as well as introducing new weapons, a brand-new map, Sponsor rewards, and more. Here are the details in the patch notes below.
The Finals Season 4 patch notes – Update 4.0.0
Here are the updates for The Finals Season 4, version 4.0.0, as announced on the game’s official website.
Welcome to Season 4, Contestants!
Season 4 brings exciting new content and features to THE FINALS! From the sleek, urban Fortune Stadium map sponsored by HOLTOW, ENGIMO, and ISEUL-T, to three powerful new weapons, there’s plenty to dive into.
Apart from that, we’ve incorporated sponsorship agreements, enabling players to affiliate with one of our three sponsors for exclusive perks, enhanced World Tour positions, and upgraded Ranked Cashout Tournaments. Furthermore, fresh customization choices, additional loadout slots, and overhauled leaderboards contribute to a more challenging and tailored gaming experience.
Read about all the changes below, and gear up for the most spectacular season of the gameshow yet!
As a die-hard fan, I’m thrilled to welcome you to Fortune Stadium! Our esteemed sponsors – HOLTOW, ENGIMO, and ISEUL-T – have cooked up something extraordinary for us today. Prepare to explore a sleek, urban landscape tailored just for our arena! Each brand has its dedicated sector, and we’ve got some truly vertical spaces that will take your breath away. Let the games begin!
Three New Weapons
.50 Akimbo
- HEAVY: These bad boys bring extra firepower and precision to the arena!
- MEDIUM: Extend the effective range of the Medium build with this designated marksman rifle!
M26 Matter
- LIGHT: Swiftly master this new pump-action shotgun!
New Feature: Sponsors
This season, I’m thrilled to share that we have amazing partners ready to back our journey! Contestants can choose to team up with HOLTOW, ENGIMO, or ISEUL-T for the whole of Season 4. They’ll provide us with cool merchandise, financial support, and a lot of excitement along the way!
Gain followers by finishing tasks and excelling in competitions. The more followers you gather, the more perks your patron will provide! Will you be able to achieve everything from your chosen patron? Remember, you can only sign a contract with one!
New Feature: Alternate Sights & Scopes
We’ve incorporated various additional viewing options into certain weapons, enabling you to toggle between conventional sights and innovative ones such as Red Dot Sights or Scopes. These new sight choices can be unlocked by using VRs on the customization interface for your weapons.
New World Tour Ranks
In Season 4, we’ve added Platinum and Diamond ranks to World Tour. We’ve also taken into account your feedback regarding the challenges in earning the Emerald rank. As a result, in Season 4, you can immediately start working towards unlocking and earning the Emerald rank from the beginning of the season. Instead of earning it through tournament wins, you will now accumulate Win Points to achieve this goal. Get ready for exciting milestones as you journey towards reaching Emerald Tier 1!
New Ranked mode
This Season, we’re bringing back Ranked Tournaments! They’ll feature a 8-team, 24-player format for the Cashout competition. To enhance the ranked experience, we’ll now seed tournaments based on team strengths, and your change in Ranked Score will be determined by your final position in comparison to your initial seeding. This change aims to offer a more transparent and genuine tournament experience.
Cashout Rule Variants for Ranked and World Tour
In both our challenging Ranked Competitions and less formal World Tour Events, we’ve adjusted the Cashout rules slightly to ensure the best possible gaming experience in each setting.
In Ranked Tournaments, the 10% team wipe penalties are active, gameshow events such as ‘Low Gravity,’ for example, are disabled to reduce randomness, and loadout changes are only permitted between rounds of the tournament.
In the World Tour, penalty wiping is not enforced, game show events continue, and players can exchange items from their Reserve to their Loadout after team wipes or between rounds. Although Ranked Cashout remains consistent, there’s room for adjustments and enhancements to the World Tour experience throughout the season!
Improved Player Cards
Let’s dive into some customization with the Player Cards for Season 4! We’ve introduced a fresh design, along with badges, borders, and titles that you can gather and tailor to your preference. There are also new backgrounds up for grabs, and we’ve enhanced the lighting on your character to highlight your unique flair!
The circuits are now operating simultaneously with World Tour events and have the same sponsors, providing you an additional opportunity to gain benefits from the show’s supporters. Furthermore, we’ve taken away the prerequisite of finishing earlier contracts before accessing later circuits, aiming to make the overall experience less complicated and more straightforward.
Two Extra Loadout Slots
Excitedly, I’m thrilled to share that we’ve listened to your requests and enhanced our game! Now, you’ll get an extra pair of Loadout slots, taking our total to eight! This means more customization options for you, my fellow gamers. Enjoy the new additions!
New Battle Pass
This season’s Battle Pass offers 106 levels of prizes to earn. It showcases goods from trending partner OSPUZE, as well as incentives from our latest partner, IVADA.
New Career Levels
10 additional career stages, each offering incentives, have been incorporated into our Career System. The incentives are generously provided by one of our show’s sponsors, ENO+RINO.
Leaderboard Improvements
We’d made some big improvements to leaderboards for Season 4. Players can now filter leaderboards by region, and the World Tour leaderboard also includes filters for the different tour stops.
We’ve established rankings or scoreboards for games like Quick Cash, Terminal Attack, Bank It, and Power Shift, as well as a separate one to monitor the success of each sponsor.
New Static Crosshair Setting
As a dedicated gamer, I appreciate the dynamic nature of the crosshair during The Finals, as it moves according to my character’s actions like running and jumping. However, some gamers may prefer a fixed crosshair positioned right at the screen’s center. To cater to this preference, they’ve included a new setting in the crosshair customization option. By turning off the “in-world crosshair,” you can now have a static crosshair that remains firmly centered on your screen throughout the gameplay.
New Feature: Facial Hair Customization
Now, you can choose among several beard and mustache styles to lend a more refined appearance to your rival. Take a peek at the ‘Style’ section for this new feature!
New Feature: First Time Player Experience
To make newcomers feel more at ease as they join our game, we’ve revamped the onboarding process with some substantial updates! These improvements encompass introductory videos for each build category, a detailed Cashout tutorial highlighting destruction scenes, speedier and more intuitive menu systems, and many other enhancements!
In addition, we’re unveiling a fresh line of OSPUZE-labeled beginner uniforms. Frankly, everyone was feeling a bit worn out by the previous rookie ‘sleepwear’, but don’t fret veterans, you’ll receive these as well!
Furthermore, we’ve incorporated a well-defined list of objectives and rewarding tasks within our primary interface, designed specifically to assist novice players during their initial five matches. Our aim is to make the learning process smoother for newcomers, while also showcasing the enjoyable aspects the game offers.
Season 3 Rewards Coming Soon
Typically, all reward rankings are given at the onset of the following season. In this specific case though, we’ll postpone the distribution to carry out a thorough review of our leaderboards beforehand, guaranteeing that every player gets their well-deserved rewards accurately.
In Season 3, we introduced the Ruby rank in Ranked Terminal Attack and the Emerald level in World Tour, enhancing THE FINALS with fresh competitive modes and rewards.
rest assured, everyone is eager to flaunt their skills accumulated during Season 3 right away, but we’re taking the time to ensure these accolades are distributed accurately, to those who truly deserved them through honest gameplay. These rewards will be issued in Update 4.2!
At the start of Season 4, there will be three separate DLC offerings available for you to explore and purchase at various prices. Similar to last season, the Starter Pack will also be made available as a DLC option for this season.
Let’s get into the details!
This upcoming season promises to deliver an exceptional experience with a fresh map, enlarged weapon inventory, revamped sponsor functions, and numerous upgrades in rankings, leaderboards, and customization options. Let’s delve deeper into the specifics and figures behind these alterations so you can effectively gear up for The Arena!
Balance Changes
Game Development Note: We’d like to address a common feedback we’ve received about the Heavy class, which some players feel is too weak compared to the Light class. Although the Light class is more popular (played more often), across all skill levels and game modes, it’s the Heavy class that has been dominating in terms of wins. Our goal with balancing has been to make all classes more evenly matched in terms of win rates, as well as to increase the appeal of each class. This means we need to adjust both the power level and playability of the Heavy class, making it a fairer and more enjoyable experience. This is an ongoing process, but it’s the thinking behind some of the changes made at the start of Season 4 regarding balance and usability of items.
Anti-Gravity Cube
- Increased radius from 6m to 7m
- Increased height from 11m to 12m
Breach Charge
- Increased ammo from 2 to 3
- Increased cooldown from 26s to 30s
Developer’s Remark: Due to its infrequent usage in the current game state, we think adjusting the Breach Charge will make it more valuable compared to the Thermal Bore.
Data Reshaper
- Increased range from 15m to 21m
- Increased number of charges from 2 to 3
Explosive Mine
- Decreased max damage from 140 to 120
- Decreased cooldown from 30s to 15s
- Decreased ammo count from 2 to 1 (max mines deployed remains at 2)
Developer Note: The purpose of Explosive Mines has consistently been to serve as a defensive tool for securing choke points and protecting objectives, with proper placement being key to their effectiveness. However, allowing players to instantly place two mines back-to-back has resulted in excessive mine stacking, frequently right on the objective, making it possible for defenses to be erected too swiftly. We aim to reduce this behavior by introducing a 15-second interval between each deployment and decreasing their damage output. This change should result in less mine stacking and motivate teams to reach the objective location earlier so they can establish a complete defense setup before combat begins.
- Increased the max duration of the Blind status effect from 4s to 4.5s
- Increased the max duration of the max intensity of the Blind status effect from 1.8s to 3.5s
- Increase the intensity of flashes that explode close to the enemy’s position
- Increased the view angle of flashes, causing more intense flashes when the flash goes off by someone’s side or slightly behind them
- Flashbangs now only show Hit Indicators on the crosshair if they reach a minimum amount of intensity on a hostile target
- Decreased the intensity and duration of the Blind status effect on teammates
- Improved the leniency of hit detection of the Flashbang when targeting players, so that it is less likely to be blocked by small objects
Developer’s Remark: It was observed that Flashbangs were not used as frequently as expected, so we made some improvements aimed at enhancing their dependability and effectiveness.
Glitch Trap
- Disabled crosshair hit markers when the Glitch Trap attaches to an enemy, so that it can no longer be used to detect players
- Decreased ammo from 2 to 1
- Decreased cooldown from 30s to 20s
Jump Pad
- Added a small amount of variance to the Jump Pad so that objects cannot bounce on them indefinitely
Proximity Sensor
- Increased radius from 10m to 11m
- Decreased damage from 140 to 100
- Increased reload time from 0.9s to 2.15s
- Decreased projectile dispersion when aiming down sights from 0.3x to 0.25x
Note for Developers: The RPG wasn’t primarily designed to function as an initial move in combat, although it is an easier-to-use item for novice players. Our original intention was that this item would be primarily destructive. This adjustment maintains its usability as an opener, but significantly reduces its value in that role, refocusing it on destruction and breaching instead.
Tracking Dart
- Increased magazine size from 2 to 4
- Decreased ammunition regeneration rate from 13s to 12s
- Decreased tracking duration from 15s to 10s
- Decreased the height of Ziplines slightly, so that they will better fit through doors
Propane Gas Canister
- Decreased direct physical impact damage from 50 to 25
Cashout Modes
- Introduced new re-spawn placement logic for teams that are wiped, with the goal of reducing the number of ‘third-party’ fights
Ranked Tournaments (Cashout)
- Added Ranked Tournaments
- Disabled game show events in Ranked Tournaments
- Dev Note: To make Ranked Tournaments a more competitive friendly environment, with less randomness involved, we’ve decided to disable all game show events. We believe this will make matches slightly more consistent, less random, and easier to strategize around.
- Increased the cash awarded per Cashout in the final round from $10,000 to $25,000
- Increased the cash required to win the final round from $20,000 to $50,000
Terminal Attack
- Terminal Attack now uses a best-of-nine-rounds (first to five) format, with a half-time break where level destruction is reset
Terminal Attack (Ranked)
- Removed Ranked Terminal Attack and replaced it with Ranked Tournaments
World Tour (Cashout)
- Disabled team wipe penalties in World Tour
Note for Developers: The World Tour is designed to provide a less formal tournament atmosphere compared to our Ranked Tournaments. Data from Season 3 indicates that eliminating team wipe penalties reduces player annoyance and leads to more competitive matches.
- Enabled the ability for players to swap items between their Loadout and Reserve between team wipes in World Tour
Note for Developers: This update intends to enhance the user-friendliness of World Tour for casual gamers, providing them the ability to exchange items across lives. In contrast, Ranked Tournaments will maintain the rule that allows swapping only between rounds, as we consider strategic team counter-picking and adapting to map variations as a critical competitive skill.
- Increased the cash awarded per Cashout in the final round from $10,000 to $25,000
- Increased the cash required to win the final round from $20,000 to $50,000
- Added Diamond and Platinum ranks to World Tour, between the Gold and Emerald ranks.
- Emerald rank is now unlocked and available to progress towards from the start of the season
- Emerald rank is now earned by collecting Win Points, rather than tournament wins
- Improved targeting to reduce the amount of times the dematerializer fails to make a passageway through objects.
Goo Gun
- Fire mode changed from semi-automatic to fully automatic
Healing Beam
- Decreased healing rate from 50 health per second to 40 health per second
Mesh Shield
- Mesh Shield will now enter cooldown either when destroyed or lowered
Developer’s Note: Initially, the Mesh Shield was designed as a Specialization for protecting teammates or emphasizing the durability and endurance of the Heavy character type. However, we found that the process of juggling the shield, repeatedly raising and lowering it to fire weapons, was confusing for some players and quite aggravating when playing against it. We acknowledge this change is substantial and will be watching closely to see its effects.
- Decreased Mesh Shield cooldown from 15s to 12s. The cooldown is only 8s if the Shield is undamaged when deactivated
- Smoothed the vertical recoil to avoid having sharp jumps in intensity, which could previously cause an inconsistent feel
- Increased fire rate from 210 RPM to 220 RPM
- Decreased bullet dispersion when firing ‘from the hip’ when crouching, crouch moving, standing still, running, and in ‘uncontrolled’ states such as falling or sliding
- Decreased the rate at which bullet dispersion builds up over time when firing for a sustained period
- Increased the bullet dispersion recovery speed from 0.45 to 0.65
Developer’s Remark: We’ve found the 93R challenging to adjust because it’s a burst-fire weapon. With burst-fire weapons, players anticipate that every shot within the burst should hit when aimed properly, which can lead to three bullets’ worth of damage per ‘shot.’ This high damage potential becomes an issue when the full burst hits. Distinguishing this weapon from the FAMAS has proven difficult. Initially, we considered making the 93R a two-shot weapon against Lights, but every test revealed that it would overpower the game. However, at 72 damage per burst (which equals three shots and nine bullets to kill a Light), it consistently underperforms, leaving it in a precarious state of being too strong or extremely weak. In this update, we’ve concentrated on enhancing its effectiveness when fired without aiming down the sights, providing better damage-mobility balance. We believe this change positions the weapon more favorably, but we welcome your feedback to help us refine it further.
- Decreased magazine size from 36 to 32
- Increased max damage from 93 to 117
Developer’s Remark: This adjustment appears substantial, yet maintains the weapon’s location where it requires two shots to eliminate a Light and three shots for a Medium. The primary purpose of this alteration is to reduce the number of shots required to kill a Heavy from four to three. We believed it was unbalanced for the CL-40 to require 100% accuracy to dispatch a Heavy without reloading.
- Decreased fire rate from 275 RPm to 210 RPM
- Dev Note: A small adjustment to offset the significant damage buff a little.
- Increased the max damage radius from 9cm to 30cm
- The Dagger’s backstab secondary attack can now be held, only triggering when the button is released, rather than automatically. During this stance, the player moves at the normal run speed and cannot sprint
Lewis Gun
- Smoothed the recoil pattern of the Lewis Gun, reducing the amount of horizontal recoil at some points. The recoil pattern overall remains the same but should be considerably easier to control
- Decreased the damage fall-off start range from 80m to 50m
- Decreased the damage fall-off end range from 100m to 55m
Development Note: By incorporating additional scopes or sights, we noticed the LH1 tending towards the domain of the SR-84. This adjustment helps mitigate this overlap to a certain degree.
- Increased fire rate from 560 RPM to 580 RPM
- Smoothed the recoil pattern of the M60, reducing the amount of horizontal recoil at some points. The recoil pattern overall remains the same but should be considerably easier to control
- Decreased reload time from 3.1s to 2.8s
As a fan, I’m excited to share some behind-the-scenes insights! The MGL32, a weapon dear to many, is on our radar for potential overhaul, but it requires a significant amount of work. In the meantime, let me tell you about a minor yet impactful change we’ve made: a quality of life improvement aimed at making the MGL32 a bit more versatile in gameplay.
Recurve Bow
- Increased damage at minimum draw from 55 to 60
- Decreased damage ramp-up start time from 0.2s to 0.15s
- Decreased the time taken to reach maximum draw from 0.585s to 0.49s
Riot Shield
- Increased damage from 84 to 90
SH1900 Shotgun
- Decreased reload time from 2.5s to 2.125s
- Increased run speed modifier during secondary spin attack from 65% to 75%
SR-84 Sniper
Developer’s Remark: Although the SR-84 isn’t excessively powerful or popular across most game modes, it can feel oppressive at extended distances in modes like Terminal Attack and Power Shift, leading to player discontent. This adjustment aims to reduce excessive long-range harassment that players found annoying without compromising the skill requirement and agility in medium-to-long-range confrontations.
- Increased the range of the secondary lunge from approximately 5m to approximately 6m
- Secondary lunge attack now maintains its top speed for slightly longer
Throwing Knives
- The Throwing Knives secondary attack can now be held, only triggering when the button is released, rather than automatically. During this stance, the player moves at the normal run speed and cannot sprint
- Increase the magnification of the XP-54’s sight slightly, as part of the addition of alternate sights/scopes
- Decreased damage from 18 to 16
Content and Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where players could spawn into a round without the spawn-in animations or FX
- Fixed an issue where pairing a Quick Melee action with other actions would make the animations look faulty
- Polished the Riot Shield first-person animation where you would perform a phantom strike if you quickly zoomed after a strike
- Removed camera animations when previewing first-person animations in the front end since it felt distracting
- Fixed an issue where melee weapon animations could sometimes get stuck in the ‘charging’ pose in third-person
- Fixed an issue where the Santa Hat extra VO lines would not play
Career Rank
- Added 10 new levels with rewards to the Career Rank
- Fixed an issue where stages or circuits that gave XP might not apply them to both the Battle Pass and Career Rank
- Fixed an issue where various hair types could clip with the bucket hat
- Fixed an issue where deployable gadgets could remain floating in mid-air
Data Reshaper
- Fixed an issue where items transmuted by the Data Reshaper would not count as destroyed for certain Contracts
- Improved the leniency of hit traces from the Flashbang to target players, so that they are less likely to be blocked by small objects
Vanishing Bomb
- Improved the hit detection of the Vanishing Bomb on the player that threw it
- Fixed an issue where Ziplines could break instantly upon being placed
Game Modes
Cashout Modes
- Fixed an issue where Vaults opened out of bounds, causing the newly spawned Cashbox to be indefinitely stuck out of bounds.
- Added notification messages to the HUD that show Cashout Started, Cashout Stolen and Vault Opened to the entire team when a teammate completes said action
- Fixed an issue where the Cashout overtime timer could be broken, making sure a cashout being completed during overtime won’t spawn new Vaults
Cashout Tutorial
- Introduced a new version of the Cashout tutorial, for a smoother and more fun experience
- Fixed various smaller issues with the tutorial flow and components
- Fixed an issue where the correct loadout was not alway loaded in the tutorial
- Fixed an issue that could cause thrown items to stutter
- Fixed an issue where the audience jumbotron could glow
- Added autumn themed version of Kyoto
- Players will now connect to levels faster, without waiting for other players who have not yet loaded. As a result, players will reach the lobby much faster and will see connecting players represented as a hologram
- Fixed issue where players could lock their cameras to a fixed direction if they died while climbing a ladder
Performance and Optimization
- Fixed issue where VOIP would not work as expected if the push-to-talk key was pressed when going back to the main menu
- Fixed a rare issue where during the tournament intro/outro sequence, characters could be invisible
- Reduced the number of hitches that could occur when selecting items in the customization and drafting screens
Goo Gun
- Goo will now correctly stick to a Guardian Turret’s base, rather than the barrel, preventing chains of goo from rotating through walls
Guardian Turret
- Bullets can now be blocked by the player who owns the turret, just like they can be by friendly players
- Added two additional Contestant slots, increasing the maximum from 6 to 8
- Added a setting that allows players to disable the in-world crosshair. When set to ‘off’, the crosshair will always be in the center of your screen and static. Otherwise, it will move with camera movement.
- Fixed an issue where the lobby screen only showed Defibrillators on all icons when first entering the screen
- Fixed an issue where items from previous World Tours could appear in the store
- Fixed an issue where the loading screen was occasionally briefly missing
- Fixed a bug where “Canceling Matchmaking” was sometimes incorrectly shown in the matchmaking widget.
- Fixed an issue where the Play or Reconnect buttons would briefly appear when connecting to a match
- Fixed background blurring for Watches in store/battle pass
- Fixed an issue where the character could end up aiming downwards after controlling recoil on high frame rates
Throwing Knives
- Fixed an issue where Throwing Knives and arrows could be floating in front of players using the Riot Shield
Riot Shield
- The Riot Shield will now block the Winch Claw and prevent the player from being grabbed
- Fixed an issue where the Sword’s lunge animation was not played in third person
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2024-09-27 03:28