Where to find water in The Forever Winter – Rigged For Looting quest guide

Where to find water in The Forever Winter - Rigged For Looting quest guide

As a seasoned survivor of The Forever Winter, I can attest to the brutal reality that water is as precious as gold in this frozen wasteland. Losing my settlement and all its hard-earned loot due to dehydration has left me with a deep appreciation for the humble water container. Thankfully, Scannerbarkly on Cortex has provided us with a lifesaver of a guide – pun intended!

Water is essential in The Forever Winter; without it, your settlement will fall apart. This is brutal in this challenging game, as it means that all your items and loot will be lost. If The Innards die, then hope dies with it.

Where to find water in The Forever Winter

Where to find water in The Forever Winter - Rigged For Looting quest guide

The easiest place to find water is in the Mech Trenches region. You will need to select this from the Regions screen before you load in, as your map will not change over to it automatically, even if you have picked up the quest to find water. You can see a full video of the route to take below, along with written instructions and accompanying pictures.

Scannerbarkly on Cortex

Choose the Mechanized Tunnels and adjust the entry point to the Elevator. Proceed inside, and you’ll discover a vast tunnel with railways. Continue walking until you reach some staircases that you can ascend.

Where to find water in The Forever Winter - Rigged For Looting quest guide

At the peak, you’ll find an openable door. Beyond that doorway lies a compact, L-shaped passageway. Proceed along it, then lower yourself at the terminus and inch forward cautiously towards the light. Ahead of you, there will be some yellow steps ascending to your right, and below and to your left, a group of hunters is stationed.

Where to find water in The Forever Winter - Rigged For Looting quest guide

After exiting through a tunnel located on the left, you might want to hang back and let them pass first. Then, head downstairs, traverse to your right, and eventually, beyond some makeshift corpses, you’ll come across a loot box and a bottle of water lying near it.

First, grab the container, afterwards we need to leave; lingering could lead to hunters discovering you, which isn’t enjoyable. Instead, head towards the room’s right side and locate the exit next to the peculiar, multi-tiered medical cart.

Where to find water in The Forever Winter - Rigged For Looting quest guide

As a gamer, when I step out through that door, veer to the left, follow the winding staircase down, and take another left to find myself in yet another long passageway. At the end of this tunnel lies a track you’ve got to sprint across, and if it’s possible for me, I’ll be dashing all the way to the finish line before turning down the distant corridor.

At the end on your left, you’ll find a door leading to the exit point. If you haven’t watched the video yet, I highly recommend giving it a look. The level is quite dimly lit, and following the path might prove challenging if you don’t see someone navigate it at least once.

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2024-09-25 14:27