What to expect for Roger in Outlander Season 7B based on the books

What to expect for Roger in Outlander Season 7B based on the books

As a dedicated Outlander fan who has been following this captivating series since its inception, I am eagerly awaiting Season 7B, particularly Roger’s storyline. The cliffhanger at the end of Season 5 left us hanging, and I can hardly contain my excitement to see where his journey takes him next!

Although not all events from “Written in My Own Heart’s Blood” may be depicted in Outlander Season 7B, it’s likely that we’ll follow a significant portion of Roger’s narrative. Given its importance to the growth and progression of his character, it makes sense for the storyline to be featured prominently.

Previously, we found Roger and Buck McKenzie passing through the stones. They’re on a mission to locate Jemmy, as they suspect Rob Cameron has transported him back in time. Buck accompanied Roger because he is most familiar with that era – it’s his own time – and he seeks to reunite with his family.

What awaits them upon arrival? It’s high time to uncover secrets hidden within the pages of “Written in My Own Heart’s Blood.” However, if you wish to avoid book spoilers, then this discussion may not be suitable for you.

Roger and Buck don’t go to the 1760s in Outlander Season 7B

It seems that Rob Cameron didn’t time travel to the past as we initially thought. So, who will Roger and Buck encounter now? Where have their journey taken them instead? Although there is a Jeremiah MacKenzie in the past, he isn’t the Jem they’re searching for or from the 1760s we were expecting.

In the novels, they find themselves in the year 1739. Initially, they encounter challenges related to Buck’s health. His condition deteriorates as a result of his journey through the stones, and they eventually meet a healer who is also capable of time travel.

Roger should concentrate on his personal path, as he continues to believe that he’s meant to rescue Jemmy. However, it isn’t until he finds the dog tags while at Lallybroch—where he encounters Brian and Jenny Fraser!—that he understands his true mission is to save another Jeremiah, which turns out to be his father.

It was thought that Roger’s father perished during the war when Jerry’s aircraft disappeared, but what actually happened is that Jerry journeyed through time; it’s Roger who sends him back to the 1940s. Despite still meeting his demise, Jerry finds himself in a time and place where he can save Roger’s life!

What to expect for Roger in Outlander Season 7B based on the books

Buck meets his parents in the Outlander books

In the year 1739, we find Roger and Buck once more. Geillis, who will later be known as Geillis Duncan, hasn’t taken that name yet. The story unfolds as Geillis prepares to marry Arthur Duncan but also secretly carries on an affair with Dougal MacKenzie, setting the stage for a series of intriguing events.

Buck seems quite fond of his mom, though it’s a bit unsettling. However, it should be noted that Geillis is unaware that Buck will become her son in the future. It’s definitely Buck taking center stage here!

As for Buck, his subsequent actions are unknown. Roger departs with Buck in 1739 upon the arrival of Brianna and the children, at which point they determine their following course of action.

One storyline that probably won’t be in Outlander Season 7B

In the upcoming Season 7B of Outlander, there’s an unexpected plot twist as Roger travels to Fort William for a conversation with Black Jack Randall. However, since Tobias Menzies might not be reprising his role, this scene might have been omitted from the series. Nevertheless, it’s significant that we may see Roger encountering Brian Fraser instead.

Outlander Season 7B premieres on Friday, Nov. 22 on Starz.

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2024-09-08 13:37