All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

In the heart-stopping world of Dead by Daylight, where survival is a fleeting dream and death a constant companion, I find myself intrigued by the latest chapter unfolding before our eyes – The Casting of Frank Stone. As a seasoned survivor who has braved countless terrors within this twisted omniverse, I must say that this tale takes the cake… or should I say, the spider’s web?

In simple terms, “The Casting of Frank Stone” is the initial story-driven video game within the universe of Dead by Daylight. This game abounds with hidden clues and nods to the game’s lore, which are recognizable only to fans who have played Dead by Daylight, an asymmetrical horror game.

Playing “The Casting of Frank Stone” can be enjoyable even for those who haven’t delved into Dead by Daylight. However, enthusiasts of this popular game are certain to find an extra thrill in it, recognizing references to their beloved Survivors and Killers within the gameplay.

Absolutely! If you’re a regular Dead by Daylight player or someone who enjoys the game without delving deep into its lore but are curious about the references in The Casting of Frank Stone, this is perfect for you. However, keep in mind that there will be significant spoilers as we progress.

Frank Stone’s Demise

All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

At the outset of The Casting of Frank Stone, its namesake character meets his end by biting into a bullet.

Initially, it becomes clear that Frank Stone is not merely being sent to a place fitting for him, which appears to be some form of hell. Instead, as the game switches focus from his gruesome death, we see mist rolling in and a burst of light illuminates the Entity’s claws.

Experienced individuals can infer that the Entity’s presence at Frank Stone’s demise is unlikely to signify a positive outcome. It seems inevitable that Frank Stone would eventually become involved in the trials.

Madison’s Dreams

In Madison’s visage, there seems to be a consistent echo of a dream, where she encounters her mother at an unused campsite. Given that the Survivors in Dead by Daylight always gather around a campfire prior to each trial, this setting carries a hint of impending warning.

Survivor’s Melody

All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

In Chapter 2: The House of Darkness, gamers may find a musical score named “Survivor’s Melody.” Later in the game, this musical score is played on an upper-floor piano, and as you might suspect, it shares the same tune as the instrumental music that plays during match wait times.

Afterpiece Tonic

Throughout The Casting of Frank Stone there are multiple references to the Afterpiece Tonic, such as Calhern’s pharmacy and Afterpiece Tonic stickers you can find on trinket boxes. 

Instead of stating they draw attention to the pharmacy, it’s more accurate to say that the Afterpiece Tonic serves as a direct nod to an in-game accessory from Dead by Daylight’s character, The Clown (Kenneth Chase). As a character who utilizes chemicals and gases for subduing and eliminating victims, this Dead by Daylight Easter egg hints subtly at the connections between various universes, suggesting shared characteristics among individual Killers and Survivors.


All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

Linda Castle confides to Madison that she’s almost certain the folks inviting them to Gerant Manor don’t intend to use their likenesses for leather masks, cleverly hinting at a Leatherface allusion.

Although Leatherface isn’t a direct Easter egg in Dead by Daylight, he is indeed part of the game. Unlike Behaviour Interactive and Supermassive Games, they cannot incorporate licensed franchises into this title in any other manner.

The Huntress Mask

In The Casting of Frank Stone, numerous rabbit masks, many of which appear damaged, are featured. Among these, one mask is associated with Anna, also known as The Huntress – a well-known character armed with an axe who abducts young girls with the aim of raising them under her care.

Picking up The Huntress’s mask within Endless Curiosities will cause it to play a soft melody. This tune is the soothing lullaby that The Huntress sings during gameplay.

Lery’s Memorial Institute

All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

As a fervent enthusiast, I’d like to share some intriguing insights about this clandestine research facility known as the Lery’s Memorial Institute. This covert laboratory is believed to have been utilized by the CIA for their methods of advanced interrogation techniques.

Players of Dead by Daylight would be familiar with this setting as it is associated with The Doctor, a character who conducted gruesome experiments using electric shock therapy while working at Lery’s.


In the realm of Dead by Daylight, crows play a crucial role. Frequently, The Entity employs crow’s eyes to hunt and locate Survivors as well as other possible entities to drag into the realms under its control.

Although crows aren’t prominently present in “The Casting of Frank Stone,” one does appear in “Endless Curiosities.” This is quite symbolic given Augustine Lieber’s relentless attempt to make the Entity acknowledge herself and her ally, Frank Stone.

The Wraith’s Azarov’s Skull

All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

While delving into Endless Curiosities, you might come across a table bearing an unusual weapon. It resembles a spine with its head still intact, a grisly sight indeed. To Dead by Daylight enthusiasts, this weapon may be recognized as Azarov’s Skull, a chilling artifact associated with Philip Ojomo, infamously known as The Wraith.

The history of Azarov’s Skull is that it once belonged to the former superior of The Wraith, who was drawn into the Entity’s domain. Manipulated by Azarov, The Wraith unwittingly committed a cold-blooded murder. In response, The Wraith brutally crushed Azarov in a car compactor and severed his head, leaving the spinal column intact.

Lost Movie Magazine

As the group enters Calhern’s pharmacy, they notice a magazine perched on the countertop. This magazine features an article about Andy Dean, a movie star who vanished from a production several years back.

As a gamer, what truly gets my pulse racing about this Easter egg is the revelation that any footage of him seems to always have a dark fog as a backdrop. They say each Survivor, just before vanishing into thin air during the trials, would first witness an ominous fog creeping in – all courtesy of The Entity.

The Legion’s Smiley Face Pins

All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

While delving into the captivating world of Endless Curiosities, I came across an intriguing sight: a table bathed in red light in the north-eastern corner. Perched atop this illuminated surface was a cheerful, sunshine-yellow smiley face brooch that caught my eye!

The smiley face pin symbolically connects to The Legion, who incorporates it to enhance their Feral Frenzy skill. I imagine they’d find its discovery in an antique store amusingly intriguing in a slightly cynical manner.

Unique QTEs

Supermassive Games, known for games like Until Dawn and The Dark Picture Anthology, are famous for their use of quick time events. Normally, this involves pressing the right button at the right moment, but for The Casting of Frank Stone, Supermassive has opted for a unique twist by integrating visual skill checks similar to those in Dead by Daylight into these quick time events.

In the game Dead by Daylight, skill checks come with a brief sound cue and a highlighted segment on a wheel you have to hit. The key to success lies in timing, not which button you press. If you get your timing right, then you’ll succeed, but if you don’t, you won’t. This small change is sure to bring joy to the game’s fans when they see it appear on their screens.

Archibald Macmillan

All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

In Chapter 4: “These Walls Have Eyes,” Linda discovers a portrait featuring Archibald Macmillan. To those well-versed in folklore, this stern, seemingly silent gentleman is none other than the father of Evan Macmillan, popularly known as The Trapper.

Archibald isn’t likely to receive any Father or Employer of the Year accolades; he’s often referred to as a harsh and insensitive individual. It’s widely believed that he played a role in The Trapper’s transformation into one of Dead by Daylight’s most notorious serial killers, and the fact that his portrait hangs in Augustine’s manor speaks volumes about her interpretation of “art”.

Carmina Mora aka The Artist

As they traverse the atrium, players will encounter three portrait paintings. One of these paintings, located centrally, features Carmina Mora, also known as ‘The Artist’. This Chilean artist was mysteriously abducted by a supernatural entity after she delved too deeply into The Black Vale, a cult dedicated to worshipping the Entity.

Given Augustine’s association with the group, it’s quite ironic that she has The Creation depicted on her walls instead.

Hillbilly and Coldwind Farm

All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

In the novel “The Casting of Frank Stone,” there are numerous mentions of the character known as Max Thompson, also called The Hillbilly.

What catches our attention is his depiction within a diorama displayed in Chapter 6: Beyond the Gate. Inside this diorama, he’s seen readying himself to destroy a boon totem, which is a mechanic in Dead by Daylight that assists Survivors.

It’s appropriate that The Hillbilly is situated amidst Coldwind Farm, with the crucial element in the puzzle being the essential cow-shaped tree, lacking only the cow itself. This modest setting fits perfectly for Hillbilly’s domain and serves as a direct nod to his territory.

The Oracle of the Omniverse

Jamie stumbles upon a book titled “Oracle of the Omniverse” tucked away in his garage. This book elaborates on the concept of multiple universes overlapping, where an endless number of scenarios, individuals, and locations can exist. Remarkably, each of these scenarios is genuine and valid; none contradict or negate the others.

Fans of Dead by Daylight are aware that the Entity’s lore and its realms encompass an expansive omniverse, with various connections to this universe being showcased in the game’s lore books. For instance, the Survivor character Yui Kimura is well-known within the game, but in another dimension, she is a ruthless and depraved serial killer, a stark contrast to her portrayal in our game world.


All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

Would it be a world set in the Dead by Daylight universe without any generators? 

In some cases, you might encounter situations where generators need fixing to continue reading the story. What’s great about them is that they include skill checks, and the characters have to locate and install fresh components to fully restore the generator’s power (if you catch my drift).

Playing Cards

In Chapter 6: Beyond the Gate, players will find playing cards of The Clown, The Blight, and The Observer on a table inside Augustine’s sanctum. I must admit, this deck piques my interest, especially with the inclusion of The Observer, a significant character who previously provided all the game lore in Dead by Daylight through its tomes. It seems that he has now become a playable card, raising the question: Is he merely a pawn to be moved at the will of the Entity (or even Augustine’s) during the game?

The Imperatti

All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

Sam Green has shared that he communicated with a collective known as The Imperatti. In a letter, Logan Chen, the head of The Imperatti, cautions Sam about The Entity and its devotees. For those unfamiliar, The Imperatti is a group determined to challenge The Entity and its worshippers, even resorting to drastic measures in their efforts.

It’s unexpected to find reference to The Imperatti, as in Dead by Daylight lore, all members of the group vanished after confronting The Entity on Dyer Island at Talbot Grimes’ laboratory, also known as The Blight. This letter seems to have been written before or during the event that led to their disappearance, given the flexible timeline of the Dead by Daylight universe.

Originally, The Imperatti were the ones who departed, and in their wake came The Pariahs, descendants of those who remained behind. Among The Pariahs, notable figures like Elodie Rakoto and Felix Richter are recognized as Survivors in Dead by Daylight. Given this, it’s possible that a character named Logan Chen could potentially appear in Dead by Daylight at some point down the line, but only time will reveal if this is indeed the case.

Terra 6113

In Chapter 8: Mystery Manor, Linda stumbles upon a reel titled “Murder Mine,” which is equivalent to “Murder Mill.” This mysterious relic, marked as Terra 6113, is identified as an alternate universe where the movie “Murder Mill” was produced. However, it’s noticeably distinct. Fans of lore will recognize this as a parallel world within the omniverse of Dead by Daylight, where multiple realities exist with slight variations. At present, we can’t confirm which Terra universe The Casting of Frank Stone belongs to, but we’re relieved it’s not one controlled by spiders.

Augustine’s Sacrifice

All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

In the Entity’s Domain, not all former killers are eligible to be recognized as Killers. Instead, they must leave an indelible mark on existence – a legacy worthy of recognition by the Entity itself – in order to gain entry and join the ranks of the other Killers within this realm.

Frank Stone seemingly accomplishes this with the sacrifice of Augustine in the final chapter, and any other character he portrays. Given that an Entity appears to claim all sacrifices made by Stone, it’s not hard to infer that the Entity is delighted, even ecstatic, with the Killer’s impressive display, suggesting a spider-like deity finding satisfaction in its new pawn.

First-Person POV

In The Casting of Frank Stone, if all characters perish, the narrative shifts, allowing players to experience the story from Frank Stone’s perspective directly. Unlike the Killers in Dead by Daylight who play the game in first person, Survivors play it from a third-person viewpoint. This clever twist is one of the unique features introduced by Supermassive.

The Original Four

All Dead by Daylight Easter Eggs in The Casting of Frank Stone

In The Casting of Frank Stone, the number of surviving characters determines who players will encounter at the game’s conclusion. Gathered around a campfire, they find familiar shapes that guided the path to the future: Dwight Fairfield, Claudette Morel, Meg Thomas, and Jake Park – these original Survivors are clearly visible seated on logs.

Unlike others who exhibit signs of panic when considering Frank Stone’s approach, Dwight, Claudette, Meg, and Jake remain stationary near the firepit and display only a sense of quiet acceptance towards their continuous ordeal inflicted by the Entity, devoid of any evident fear.

After all, they know just like the rest of us Dead by Daylight players: death is no escape.

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2024-09-06 16:58