Hopoo Games developers are working on a game at Valve

Hopoo Games developers are working on a game at Valve

As a long-time fan of Risk of Rain and a follower of Hopoo Games, this news feels like a bittersweet moment for me. On one hand, I’m thrilled to see such a talented team joining Valve, a company known for its groundbreaking games. It’s like the NBA’s MVP being traded to the dream team!

The gifted group responsible for developing Risk of Rain are now moving to Valve, where they’ll focus on Valve’s ongoing projects. While this may imply a temporary halt in development for Hopoo Games’ upcoming, unannounced title, it doesn’t necessarily mean the company will shut down entirely.

Hopoo Games developers are working on a game at Valve

On September 2, 2024, developers from Hopoo Games shared via their company’s social media platform that they would be transitioning to working on game development within Valve Corporation. This shift in work environment implies that the team will no longer continue their work on their yet-to-be-revealed project (codenamed Snail) and, for now, it appears that Hopoo Games will temporarily halt its operations.

Here is the full quote from Hopoo Games as seen on X:

Today brings thrilling news: Duncan and Paul, along with several other gifted creators from Hopoo Games, are moving forward to develop games directly at Valve Software!

1. We deeply appreciate Valve for their collaborations over the past decade and are eager to keep developing their fantastic games. Regrettably, this implies that we have decided to halt development on our yet-to-be-revealed project, codenamed “Snail”.

Over the past twelve years, I’ve been on one incredible gaming journey! Feeling incredibly fortunate, I can’t help but look back at all the amazing opportunities that have come my way. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to my fantastic team who’s worked tirelessly alongside me, and to our dedicated fans whose unwavering support has made every success possible. Together, we’ve created some truly remarkable games, and I couldn’t be prouder of what we’ve accomplished!

At Hopoo Games, we take great joy in creating captivating games, a passion that will carry us forward into many future years. It’s thrilling to collaborate with the exceptionally skilled team at Valve. For the moment, though, it’s time for some rest, Hopoo Games. Goodnight!

As a passionate gamer, I’ve been thrilled by the creations of Hopoo Games, particularly Risk of Rain, which they breathed life into and saw tremendous success on Steam, even prompting a sequel that significantly transformed its style and a remastered version, Risk of Rain Returns. In 2016, they also unleashed Deadbolt onto the gaming world. Recently, it seems the team has shifted focus as they’ll now be working under Valve, which suggests their secret project might be on hold for the time being.

Lately, Valve has made it possible for gamers to openly converse about their latest project, titled Deadlock. This is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game with a twist – instead of an isometric perspective, it’s played from a third-person viewpoint. At the moment, there’s a playtest ongoing, but gaining access can be challenging since you need to be invited by someone who already has the game. Remarkably, it currently boasts over 100,000 players at the time of writing.

There’s some uncertainty about the next project of the Hopoo Games team. However, given the rising popularity of Deadlock, it’s possible they could contribute their skills to that project. Stay tuned to our Hopoo Games and Valve topic pages for updates on what these developers have in store.

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2024-09-03 06:27