Counterfeit Credits Intel guide – Star Wars Outlaws

Counterfeit Credits Intel guide - Star Wars Outlaws

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I must say that Star Wars Outlaws has managed to capture the essence of the galaxy far, far away and blend it seamlessly with the thrill of a good old-fashioned adventure. The Counterfeit Credits mission is a perfect example of this, taking us on a journey from the shady bars of Mirogana’s Pyke Stronghold to the hidden depths of the Crimson Dawn’s Soup Kitchen.

Among the numerous tasks available early on in Star Wars Outlaws, one you might undertake is the Counterfeit Credits mission. In this assignment, your objective is to trace the origin of counterfeit credits that have been excessively circulating within Mirogana.

Counterfeit Credits Intel guide

Counterfeit Credits Intel guide - Star Wars Outlaws

As a gamer, I’d say: “Delve deep into the Pyke-controlled region of Mirogana. Make your way to the very south of their Stronghold, and you’ll stumble upon a character sitting all by himself at a table in a bar, with some credits scattered nearby.”

As a dedicated follower, I’d approach him and he’d explain that we must uncover the origin first, for if the Empire gets involved, things could get tricky. The guys in white aren’t fond of tampering with their funds, you see.

Counterfeit Credits Intel guide - Star Wars Outlaws

Now, let’s make our way towards the bustling market square in search of a vendor named Hen Puon. He operates a shop with a green light and a substantial netting setup behind him. Sell him something from your stock, but beware if he tries to give you fake credits. You’ll need to expose him for dealing in counterfeit currency instead.

He will give you more information, and with that, it is time to make your way to the Crimson Dawn area. Just follow the quest marker to get there, and you will arrive at an area called the Soup Kitchen. You should have a good enough rep with them to walk into the main area, but you won’t be able to get to where you need to be for the mission, as it is restricted if you try to move past the landing pad. This means it’s time to sneak around. 

Counterfeit Credits Intel guide - Star Wars Outlaws

Approach the railing to the right of the staircase where guards are posted, and then ascend onto the landing platform. Hide behind the crates located at the farthest side, and then employ Nix vision to locate the lever that needs to be activated. This action will momentarily halt the large fan in front of you.

Counterfeit Credits Intel guide - Star Wars Outlaws

1. Allow the guard to proceed, stealthily climb the ventilation shaft, and subsequently dispatch Nix towards the switch to provide ample time for entry. Meanwhile, traverse the tunnel, descend the stairs, and finally collect all items on the table on the other side.

As a loyal follower, I find myself in a tough spot: I’ve got Waka on the line about the counterfeit issue, and I’ve got to decide whom to inform – either the Crimson Dawn or the Pykes. Choosing the Crimson Dawn would score me some points with them, and let’s face it, that’s a significant plus. On the other hand, if I stick to my agreement with the Pykes, I’ll get a reputation boost along with 250 Credits. It’s a tricky choice!

Once you’re finished, ascend the ladder and take a close look around the adjacent edge to ensure it’s safe. If nobody seems to be watching, you can safely lower yourself back into the original location.

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2024-08-29 16:57