Tomb Raider Netflix showrunner echoes Crystal Dynamics’ frustrating mistakes with Lara Croft

Tomb Raider Netflix showrunner echoes Crystal Dynamics’ frustrating mistakes with Lara Croft

As a gamer who grew up with Lara Croft and watched her evolve from a pixelated icon to a powerful action heroine, I can’t help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension about the upcoming Tomb Raider Netflix series and the new game from Crystal Dynamics.

Tomb Raider is one of the most iconic video game properties with Lara Croft one of the most famous video game characters of all time. She’s been around for nearly 25-years, and she has changed a considerable amount with every console generation. We are building up to the release of a new game, and there will be a Tomb Raider Netflix anime series very soon. Unfortunately, fans of classic Lara Croft may be trepidatious about the upcoming Netflix series as the showrunner has echoed the same mistakes Crystal Dynamics made with the Survivor trilogy.

1. The Tomb Raider Netflix series will premiere on October 10th, offering viewers a glimpse into how Lara Croft transforms from a survivor to the beloved British icon she became in the ’90s. This is significant because the upcoming video game combines all Tomb Raider timelines, with the Survivor Trilogy serving as the main storyline.

Rumors indicate that the upcoming game features an open-world setting, while a recently revealed Tomb Raider RPG showcases a more unified Lara Croft, following her various appearances across Call of Duty, Magic The Gathering, and other widely recognized brands. The concept of a consolidated Lara Croft has sparked debate, and it’s valid to worry that Crystal Dynamics may struggle to restore the iconic action hero who once dominated the globe.

Tomb Raider Netflix showrunner echoes Crystal Dynamics mistakes with Lara Croft

During an interview with IGN, the producer responsible for overseeing the Tomb Raider Netflix animated series, Tasha Huo, shared insights about how they plan to depict Lara Croft in the upcoming show.

It’s great news to learn about it. After three long games, fans are eagerly awaiting Crystal Dynamics to fulfill their pledge of making Lara Croft truly embody the Tomb Raider. Additionally, it’s refreshing to know that Netflix aims to incorporate more humor, which was missing in the Survivor trilogy with its continuous complaining and dark narrative.

Unfortunately, Tasha Huo’s additional insights didn’t yield much new information. When asked about creative freedom in reinterpreting the character, the showrunner expressed a strong desire to portray the Lara they fell in love with as a child, who was fearless and stood up for herself in every situation against any adversary, regardless of gender.

Huo continued, “I felt it was engaging to include a scene showcasing her extraordinary display of strength or quickness – like Lara’s actions – followed by another scene where she’s emotionally connecting with a friend. I believe this is an aspect of femininity that we really wanted to delve into in our production.”

This reply is frustrating as it’s simply more of the lame, emotional portrayal of Lara seen in the Survivor trilogy. She’s already spent three massive games performing “an incredible feat of strength” to “hugging a friend and is emotional with them”. There is simply no desire to see anymore of this Lara as Crystal Dynamics has promised the return of the Tomb Raider for over a decade, and that iconic action hero wasn’t a snivelling, complex, and reluctant hero with daddy issues needing emotional support from friends.

During the interview, Huo expressed that her character doesn’t need to be exposed because she cares for others, suggesting that Netflix will maintain her image as a formidable and powerful character even during moments of emotional vulnerability with friends. Regrettably, this is similar to the errors Crystal Dynamics made in portraying the Survivor trilogy characters.

In the Survivor trilogy, Crystal Dynamics aimed to give Lara Croft a more emotional depth and complexity, making her seem troubled. However, this approach, while intended to make her more relatable, fell short compared to the iconic action hero of the 90s who was admired for her strength demonstrated through actions rather than words. The Lara Croft from the 90s was a figure people aspired to emulate, whereas the Lara Croft from the Survivor trilogy is someone with whom people can identify but doesn’t inspire in the same way.

Fans are eager for the return of the Lara who pursued treasure and lived for adventure, as her devotion to these pursuits was undeniable. However, personal relationships and connections have often interfered, and it appears this pattern may persist in the upcoming Netflix series, along with the new game from Crystal Dynamics.

There’s an enormous desire for a fresh game, yet it’s accompanied by worry over how Crystal Dynamics might continue to diminish the aspects that made Lara Croft, the iconic Tomb Raider, so endearing. Fingers crossed that the Netflix series is well-received, but based on the showrunner’s remarks, it seems classic Lara Croft fans may be in for more disappointments akin to Crystal Dynamics’ work since 2013.

In other gaming news, a leak suggests there will be a PlayStation State of Play in September 2024.

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2024-08-28 17:11