Star Wars Outlaws game-breaking bugs force players to delete their saves

Star Wars Outlaws game-breaking bugs force players to delete their saves

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours logged into various titles, I must say that the predicament faced by Star Wars Outlaws early access players is a bitter pill to swallow. After forking over extra cash to get an early taste of this anticipated title, being told to delete my hard-earned progress and start from scratch feels like a kick in the teeth.

Players who got early access to Ubisoft’s Star Wars Outlaws are required to erase their saved games because of the uncovering of game-halting glitches. Despite shelling out additional money for a four-day headstart, enthusiastic supporters of the game now find themselves back at square one, needing to begin the game anew.

Ubisoft tells players to delete Star Wars Otutlaws saves

After updating Star Wars Outlaws to version 1.000.002, gamers have been recommended to restart the open-world adventure fresh from the beginning. Those who choose to keep playing with their original launch day save files might experience more problems than typical, including potentially game-halting glitches.

In simpler terms, Ubisoft strongly recommends starting a fresh game save rather than attempting to play the game using a save file from its initial release day.

“In order to provide the best Outer Rim gaming experience, we’ve performed updates to ensure everyone is playing the most current version of the game,” the email states. “We understand that some players like yourself, who had access to an earlier version of the game, might be experiencing problems after the latest update.”

“After making sure you’re using the most recent edition, kindly begin a fresh game to experience Star Wars Outlaws as our developers intended. Continuing with an earlier save may lead to problems and obstacles in your progress.”

Currently, when you begin playing, only those using PlayStation 5 need to create fresh save files. But as updates get released for other systems like Xbox and PC, it’s possible that early access players on these platforms might find themselves restarting the game from the beginning.

A blight on early access

It’s really frustrating for gamers who’ve paid more to get early access to Star Wars Outlaws to encounter serious save file problems. While we, as reviewers, frequently face incompatibilities on release day, such glitches are seldom seen by regular players.

As a gamer myself, I’ve noticed that the extra cost for early access can sometimes be more of a hindrance than a help, especially when it comes to games like Star Wars Outlaws where spoilers are already leaking online. It seems that the excitement and anticipation among hardcore fans might push them towards buying early, but in reality, they might end up paying for something they could have waited for without missing out on much.

For more Outlaws coverage, check out how to cheat at Sabacc or the game’s upcoming DLC roadmap.

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2024-08-28 11:40