Pearl ending explained: Pearl was going to be a star by any means necessary

Pearl ending explained: Pearl was going to be a star by any means necessary

As a seasoned horror enthusiast who has navigated through countless blood-curdling tales and nightmarish landscapes, I must say that Ti West’s “Pearl” left me utterly captivated and chilled to the bone. The film serves as a prequel to “X,” but it stands on its own as a hauntingly beautiful exploration of ambition, madness, and the darkness that lurks within us all.

Back in July, “MaXXXine” hit the big screen, wrapping up director Ti West’s “X” trilogy. This cinematic journey encompasses “X” (2022), “Pearl” (2022) and “MaXXXine” (2024). Regrettably, you can’t stream “MaXXXine” yet, while “X” was previously available on Netflix but has since left. At present, the only film in the series that you can watch online is “Pearl”, fortunately for us, it’s now streaming on our beloved platform, Netflix.

Different from X and MaXXXine, known for their straightforward slasher style, Pearl is a film that delves into psychological horror. The story is set in 1918, where we encounter Pearl, an ambitious young actress residing on a secluded Texas farm with her domineering mother and unwell father. Despite her dreams of stardom, Pearl is trapped by her family obligations and her mother’s controlling nature. Unyielding in her aspirations, Pearl’s relentless determination eventually leads her towards a sinister, murderous course.

However, did Pearl manage to realize her ambition of becoming a shining star? Discover the outcome by continuing as we delve into the final events of Ti West’s movie titled Pearl.

Major spoilers ahead from Pearl.

Pearl ending explained: Pearl was going to be a star by any means necessary

How does Pearl end?

Following her ruthless elimination of anyone perceived as an obstacle to her aspirations, including failing to secure a role in the dance troupe, Pearl spirals into utter insanity. She resigns herself to a life confined to the farm and never achieving recognition. The final victim of her rampage is her sister-in-law Misty, whom she dismembers and subsequently feeds to Theda, the alligator.

In an effort to create a semblance of normality for my husband’s (Howard) return, I meticulously arranged the decayed remains of my parents at our dining table, surrounding a putrid feast. Unbeknownst to me, this was an inappropriate and disturbing act. My mental health had degraded to such an extent that I couldn’t discern right from wrong. As I prepared to serve a pitcher of juice, Howard entered the room, his eyes widening in horror at the scene unfolding before him.

Pearl beams joyously at him, expressing her delight that he’s returned home. However, all Howard manages is a troubled gaze. As the credits unfold, Pearl’s smile gradually takes on an unsettling quality.

Who dies in Pearl?

In this chilling horror movie, a total of four characters meet their untimely end, and each demise is at the hands of the menacing character named Pearl. Here’s a breakdown of who gets killed by Pearl and the manner of their deaths:

The projectionist

Following Pearl’s drop-off at home for her dance audition, the projectionist grows wary of her behavior due to her odd actions. This suspicion deepens when he spots a decaying pig on her porch. His unease intensifies when he queries about her dog and she denies owning one, despite having mentioned it earlier. Thus, this incident marks the end of their acquaintance for him.

After concocting a reason for departure, the projectionist finds himself pursued by Pearl, who’s lost her mind, brandishing a pitchfork. In a tragic turn of events, she stabs him repeatedly in the chest and mouth, causing his death. She then places his lifeless body back in his car and pushes it into the nearby pond, where Theda subsequently consumes his remains.

Pearl’s father

Following the act of ending the projectionist’s life, Pearl retreats into her home to make final preparations for her dance tryout. However, prior to departing, she takes the tragic step of suffocating her ailing father using a pillowcase.

Ruth, Pearl’s mother

At dinner, it’s Pearl who initiates violence against Ruth for the first time. Their conflict escalates physically, resulting in Pearl accidentally shoving Ruth towards the fireplace, causing a fire that engulfs Ruth. Trying to extinguish the flames, Pearl grabs a container of water and inadvertently picks up a pot filled with boiling liquid instead. The scalding hot water inflicts severe burns on Ruth’s body. Despite this, Pearl continues her brutal actions by throwing Ruth into the basement. Later, Pearl reappears to forcefully push Ruth down the basement stairs before abandoning her to perish.


Following her rejection for the dance troupe role, a melancholic Pearl retreats home. There, Misty appears and offers comfort, prompting Pearl to disclose her criminal past, including the murders she’d committed. Feeling triumphant after learning that Misty had landed the part in the troupe, Pearl then attempts to persuade Misty to keep quiet about the murders.

At first glance, it seems like Pearl might spare Misty’s life, but instead, she exits the house, grabs an axe, and pursues Misty with it. She repeatedly strikes Misty until she collapses, then delivers a final, fatal blow. It was previously mentioned that Pearl later dismembers Misty’s body and feeds her remains to Theda.

What did you think about Pearl‘s ending?

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2024-08-16 18:03