Inbal Lessner and Cecilia Peck discuss what goes into developing a docu-series about cults

Inbal Lessner and Cecilia Peck discuss what goes into developing a docu-series about cults

As a woman who has dedicated my career to unveiling the hidden truths and complexities of coercive relationships, I wholeheartedly admire the work Inbal Lessner and Cecilia Peck are doing with their documentaries, “Escaping Twin Flames” on Netflix and “Seduced: Inside The NXIVM Cult” on Amazon Prime Video. Their approach to these sensitive topics, focusing on the survivors’ stories and maintaining a gender-diverse team, is not only commendable but also crucial in shedding light on these often overlooked issues.

The collaboration between Inbal Lessner and Cecilia Peck, spanning a significant period, has led them to jointly expose the hidden dangers within cults. Their investigations have culminated in productions like “Seduced: Unveiling the NXIVM Cult” and “Breaking Free from Twin Flames“. They delve into the research methods employed to create this documentary series, share their journey toward partnership, and offer insights into the creative process while working on the project, with Lessner as editor and Peck as director.

Inbal Lessner and I became acquaintances through a mutual friend, and she had recently collaborated on “Shut Up And Sing” with Barbara Kopple, which I found captivating and invited her to view my documentary, “I Have Never Forgotten You,” about Simon Wiesenthal. Impressed by my work, we began discussing potential projects together. One such project was “Brave Miss World,” a film about Linor Abargil, the Israeli beauty queen who was raped before winning the Miss World Crown in 2008. This movie premiered on Netflix in 2014 and garnered an Emmy nomination, leading to additional collaborations, including “SEDUCED” about the NXIVM Cult and now “Escaping Twin Flames” concerning Twin Flames Universe. So, our collaboration has spanned approximately fifteen years in total.

Cecilia Peck: In our documentary series, we delve deeper than a traditional feature doc, such as our current series, Escaping Twin Flames, which essentially plays out like a three-hour film, allowing us to track storylines throughout the Twin Flames Universe. Moreover, being on Netflix means it can reach a global audience. Our fascination lies in the subject of coercive control, and how even educated, intelligent individuals are drawn into these groups. A series on Netflix provided us with the chance to educate many people about coercion.

Inbal Lessner: Our team’s unique signature lies in how we nurture the delicate bonds with our contributors, those who appear on camera. Building this intricate trust takes considerable time. We view our on-camera contributors as partners, helping them regain control over their narratives and collaborating with us to dissect their experiences. This process can be therapeutic yet sensitive, ensuring we don’t inflict further pain upon those who have already suffered trauma.

Inbal Lessner: Both projects share many similarities, but it’s crucial to note that while the authorities were actively involved in the NXIVM case, Twin Flames Universe is still active and recruiting members. They manipulate people into changing their sexuality and gender expression, which we must handle with extreme care when reporting on such claims. We require three independent sources to verify every fact presented in our documentary, including screenshots, emails, and videos. Additionally, as we documented the stories of mothers whose children are still involved in the cult and have transitioned, finding a sensitive yet ethical way to tell these stories was challenging.

Inbal Lessner and Cecilia Peck: For me, learning about NXIVM was a steep climb due to my lack of prior knowledge on the subject matter and cults in general. I struggled to discern where it crossed the line from being a self-help group to becoming malicious, abusive, and exploitative. Each cult has its own unique language that members use exclusively, creating an illusion of belonging to a special group. The process of deciphering NXIVM’s peculiar terminology, understanding their complex structure, and hierarchy took time. However, with Twin Flames, I picked up on the similarities more quickly. I noticed parallels between the two groups, including manipulation tactics, which are often employed by cult leaders who study each other and adapt existing strategies to serve their own purposes.

In collaboration from start to finish, Inbal Lessner and Cecilia Peck work together on all aspects of their project, including pre-production, research, filming, interviews, and post-production. Due to a tight schedule, Cecilia handles filming and on-location tasks as the showrunner, while Inbal supervises editing and manages the team remotely. They make major decisions together daily, addressing creative, ethical, legal, and logistical issues, as well as personal matters with former members or family members.

1. As a gamer, I can dive into the world of “Escaping Twin Flames” streaming now on Netflix.

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2024-07-31 19:15