League of Legends: The Best Top Laners For Beginners

League of Legends: The Best Top Laners For Beginners

As a League of Legends beginner, I can confidently say that starting off with certain champions can make a world of difference in your learning experience and success in the game. And when it comes to top laners, there are three champions that truly stand out for their ease of use and effectiveness for new players: Garen, Malphite, and Sett.

With approximately 160 playable champions in League of Legends, some of which can be used in various roles, keeping up as a newcomer can be quite challenging. Fortunately, there are certain champions that are particularly suitable for beginners and will facilitate your learning process in mastering a specific role within the game.

For those new to the role of a top laner in League of Legends, some champions offer user-friendly mechanics and effective playstyles.


League of Legends: The Best Top Laners To Play As A Beginner

3. Garen – The Might of Demacia 

Garen is an ideal champion for beginners due to his high durability and ability to survive ganks from the enemy jungler. With his spin move, he can quickly evade threats, and his kit includes extra armor and defensive bonuses.

League of Legends: The Best Top Laners For Beginners

As a devoted fan, I can tell you that Garen is truly exceptional in League of Legends when it comes to self-sustaining abilities. His passive skill does the magic – it allows him to recover health without any need for purchasing healing items. So, if you find yourself low on hit points during a fight, just take cover under your tower and let Garen’s natural healing power do its work! It won’t take long before you’re back in the game, ready to unleash his might once again.

For newcomers to League of Legends, Garen is an ideal champion to begin your journey with. He ensures safety during the laning phase and becomes formidable once equipped with a few items. With his ultimate at hand, taking down enemies becomes effortless. In essence, Garen’s straightforward yet powerful abilities make him an excellent choice for beginners.

2. Malphite – Shard of the Monolith

League of Legends: The Best Top Laners For Beginners

As a gamer, I can tell you from my experience that Malphite is an excellent choice when it comes to heavy AD compositions. However, I would advise against picking him if you’re up against champions capable of melting tanks. But for beginners, team compositions might not be a major concern yet, so feel free to enjoy playing this big, rocky champion as much as you’d like!

As a Malphite fan, I’d describe it this way: With Malphite, I can dish out dependable damage just by clicking, making laning a safe bet for me. Though he’s a melee champion, his Q extends his reach slightly, which is an excellent feature for newbies like me who prefer to maintain some distance while farming and focusing on last-hitting minions in the lane.

From my perspective as a fan, the best part of this champion’s abilities is undeniably his ultimate. I can effortlessly initiate battles with it, and when I follow up with his E, enemies attempting to flee are slowed down, giving me ample opportunity to obliterate them. This champ’s versatility shines through – you can build him as a full tank or a full AP character based on your preferred playstyle. Believe me, despite his perceived simplicity, this champion offers a lot of fun for newcomers.

1. Sett – The Boss

League of Legends: The Best Top Laners For Beginners

As a long-time League of Legends player with countless hours spent battling it out in the top lane, I can confidently say that Sett is an uncomplicated yet formidable champion. With just two fists at his disposal, he packs a powerful punch that’s sure to leave his enemies reeling. His early game prowess is second to none among top laners, all thanks to his Facebreaker and Haymaker abilities.

In team fights, he is an essential player due to his ability to abduct an enemy with his ultimate. It might mean sacrificing yourself, but choosing the right target could tip the balance in favor of a victory for your team. You can opt for the enemy’s backline or your team’s frontline, and your teammates will be grateful.

An engaging champion for beginners is none other than Sett. With his robust constitution and adequate healing ability, he offers excitement. Moreover, his damage output sets him apart from other top laners.

How about this instead?: Feel free to try out any of these three champions for an enjoyable experience in League of Legends. Through experimenting with these champions, you’ll gain valuable insights into the game and enhance your skills in various roles.

Just like TheShy wasn’t a god-tier Irelia player from the very beginning, even you need to start somewhere and put in effort to excel at the top lane. Keep practicing and improving!

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2024-07-25 12:54