League of Legends: Quickplay Matchmaking Frustrates Players

League of Legends: Quickplay Matchmaking Frustrates Players

As a dedicated League of Legends player with several years under my belt, I’ve seen and felt the frustration that new players are experiencing with Quickplay matchmaking. The idea behind it was great – quick, unranked games for those who don’t have much time to commit. However, the execution has left much to be desired.

In simpler terms, Quickplay is a newer feature in League of Legends, debuted during season 14, substituting Blind Pick. Its concept is appealing, providing players with an opportunity to join and exit games quickly when their time is limited. Beforehand, players select their preferred champions and roles, bypassing the entire champion pick and ban process.

It appears that the Quickplay matchmaking in League of Legends hasn’t been working optimally, resulting in unsatisfactory matches for some players. In simpler terms, the system has been pairing up players in ways that are not ideal or enjoyable for them.

League of Legends: Quickplay Faces Matchmaking Issues

In recent times, a Reddit post gained immense popularity as a novice gamer voiced frustration over the game’s Quickplay mode. They shared their experience of encountering opponents who didn’t put much effort into the game or even failed to show up at all. Consequently, these situations led to unbalanced matches and undeserved victories for some players.

League of Legends: Quickplay Matchmaking Frustrates Players

Additional players joined the conversation, sharing their experiences as novices who frequently encounter Gold and Silver ranked players in Quickplay matches dominating newcomers, leading to frustrating scenarios for learners. The concern lies with the matchmaking and role system in Quickplay, apparently contributing to these problems.

A few gamers argue that being forced to select a primary role contributes to some players’ disinterest or even intentional ruining of the game. In Quickplay, where the priority queue role must be chosen, this role is often Support or Jungle. As a result, players uninterested in these roles may feel compelled to opt out of playing altogether.

Players may come across unskilled teammates or opponents in Quickplay because some players take it less seriously compared to other game modes.

Is Quickplay match making bad?
by u/Kuru0_0 in leagueoflegends

Another scenario is that when players are banned from ranked play on Summoner’s Rift, they have to participate in unranked matches instead as a condition for being reinstated. In their eagerness to serve out their suspension and return to the competitive scene, many players opt for Quickplay matches. However, their primary focus remains on ranked play, so they don’t put much effort into their performance or outcome in these unranked encounters.

Based on my experience as a dedicated player of Riot Games, I have noticed that Quickplay mode has been overlooked for quite some time. With the successful launch of Swarm and Arena modes, it seems that the development team may be preoccupied, making it difficult for them to focus their attention on Quickplay. As a result, I believe it’s unlikely that we will see significant changes or improvements to this game mode in the near future. However, I remain hopeful that Riot will eventually recognize its importance and make necessary adjustments to enhance the overall player experience.

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2024-07-22 14:54