ID’s The Black Widower: Where Is Thomas Randolph Now?

ID’s The Black Widower: Where Is Thomas Randolph Now?

As a true crime enthusiast, I am absolutely fascinated by the chilling case of Thomas Randolph, also known as “The Black Widower.” The three-part ID documentary series, “The Black Widower: The Six Wives of Thomas Randolph,” delves deep into this infamous story, which I’m eagerly anticipating.

As a curious gamer with an interest in true crime stories, I’m looking forward to diving into the intriguing case of Thomas Randolph when “The Black Widower: The Six Wives of Thomas Randolph” docuseries premieres on my favorite network. Starting this coming Monday, July 15, 2024, from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. ET, I’ll be glued to my screen as the three-part series unravels the infamous tale of this Nevada man who has been married six times, and unfortunately, four of those wives have passed away under questionable circumstances. Some have even gone so far as to label him a ‘Black Widower.’ I can’t wait to see how the documentary unfolds!

Thomas Randolph became infamously known as “The Black Widower” due to the suspicious deaths of four out of his six spouses. His second wife, Becky Gault, was the first to die in 1986, leading to a trial where Randolph was acquitted. Subsequently, he went on to marry another four times. In 2008, his sixth wife, Sharon Causse, passed away under mysterious circumstances during a home invasion. Investigations later uncovered that Randolph had hired the handyman involved, Michael Miller, who also met his end that night, to carry out the murder.

According to reports, Thomas Randolph was subsequently found guilty of crimes related to the 2008 murders and is currently serving a 60-year prison term.

Where is Black Widower Thomas Randolph now?

Based on the Nevada Department of Corrections’ information, Thomas Randolph is currently incarcerated at Lovelock Correctional Center. Notably referred to as “The Black Widower,” Randolph gained notoriety due to the demise of four out of his six spouses throughout the years. His most recent conviction came in 2023, following his trial for murdering his sixth wife, Sharon Causse, and her assassin. The jury brought forth two murder charges and one conspiracy charge against him. Subsequently, Randolph was sentenced to serve a 60-year prison term, as reported by People Magazine.

In May 2008, Sharon Causse, Randolph’s sixth wife, tragically passed away at their home in an apparent burglary. They had only just arrived home from a romantic evening out when an intruder, armed and dangerous, took the life of the 57-year-old Causse. Initially, Randolph declared that he discovered her body and retaliated, shooting the perpetrator in self-defense. However, further probing into the situation unveiled Michael Miller, a handyman employed by Randolph, as the true culprit behind the heinous crime.

As a gamer, I uncovered some shocking revelations during my investigation. Initially, I believed Thomas Randolph was an ordinary guy, but later on, things took a dark turn. Prosecutors claimed that he wanted Causse eliminated for the insurance money, which amounted to over $300,000. But here’s where it gets really intriguing – authorities discovered that his three previous wives had also met untimely and mysterious deaths.

In 1986, The Las Vegas Sun announced that Becky Gault, Randolph’s second spouse, passed away at their Clearfield, Utah residence. At the scene, Randolph informed the authorities that Gault had taken her own life, adding that she had expressed suicidal thoughts the day prior. He stated that he had told her to go ahead and leave the house before departing himself, returning only the next afternoon to discover her deceased from a gunshot wound. In 1989, Randolph faced trial for these events but was ultimately acquitted.

Eccentric. Arrogant. Manipulative.

Join us Monday July 15 at 9/8c for #TheBlackWidower on ID

— Investigation Discovery (@DiscoveryID) July 10, 2024

In 2017, around ten years after the murders of Sharon Causse and Michael Miller, Thomas Randolph went on trial for his role in the case. The trial ended with him being found guilty of first-degree murder and conspiring to commit murder. Prosecutors presented evidence showing that he had hired Miller to kill his wife in a fake home invasion scenario, then shot Miller himself to make it look like a burglary gone wrong. After the jury’s verdict, Randolph was sentenced to death.

In the year following the trial, the Nevada Supreme Court reversed Randolph’s conviction. The reason given was that the prosecution should not have presented evidence and details from Becky Gault’s case during the 2017 trial. The prosecution had placed significant emphasis on Gault’s death and made comparisons, which the court deemed excessively biased for the jury.

In the year 2023, five years after the initial trial, “The Black Widower” Thomas Randolph faced his jury once more for the same murder accusations. The verdict was the same: he was found guilty of two murders and one conspiracy to commit murder. His punishment this time around was harsher – a sentence of 60 years in prison. Currently, Randolph is serving his time at Lovelock Correctional Center.

I’m really excited about ID’s new documentary series, “The Black Widower: The Six Wives of Thomas Randolph.” As a true crime enthusiast who’s always intrigued by unsolved mysteries and suspicious deaths, I can hardly wait for this series to premiere on July 15. With my heart racing in anticipation, I remember the chilling headlines that once graced the front pages of newspapers about Thomas Randolph and his seemingly endless string of deceased wives. The fact that he’s never been charged with any crime adds an extra layer of intrigue to this story. So mark your calendars, fellow true crime fanatics! Let’s delve into the dark world of Thomas Randolph together, and unravel the secrets of his past one wife at a time.

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2024-07-15 20:40