House of the Dragon season 2 episode 5 recap: The aftermath of Rook’s Rest

House of the Dragon season 2 episode 5 recap: The aftermath of Rook's Rest

As a long-time follower and devoted fan of House Targaryen, I can’t help but feel deeply invested in the latest happenings within the pages of “House of the Dragon.” And as someone who has watched the proud and noble lineage of dragonslayers and kings falter through generations, I find myself drawn to the complex web of relationships and power struggles unfolding in this tale.

In the “Battle at Rook’s Rest,” the Greens emerged victorious, yet neither side escaped unscathed with substantial damages and casualties. Witness the repercussions in episode 5 of “House of the Dragon” season 2.

Caution: This post contains spoilers for House of the Dragon season 2 episode 5.

In the beginning of the episode, the Greens triumphantly march through King’s Landing, displaying their victory at Rook’s Rest. Hidden among their celebrations is the grim reality: Aegon’s mangled body is being returned in a shrouded casket instead of Meleys’ head. Cole, ever mindful of the people’s concerns, urges them not to fret about their king just yet.

Despite the public display of the dragon’s head being dragged through the streets, the people are not elated by this turn of events. Instead, they view it as an unfavorable sign rather than a triumph. This is also how Rhaenyra perceives it.

The Greens choose a regent in House of the Dragon season 2 episode 5

At the Battle of Rook’s Rest, it was discovered that Aegon didn’t perish but his condition is grave. His body bears severe burns and numerous fractures. Grand Maester Orwyle expresses doubt about Aegon’s chances of pulling through. He’s healing, yet Orwyle cautions against overly optimistic expectations.

Currently, the king is still alive, yet it’s crucial that the populace understands his condition isn’t favorable. A regent is required to rule in his place, and Alicent aspires to assume this role. Previously, when Viserys was ill, she excelled as a regent. However, the Small Council opposes her appointment. They find it unfavorable for a woman to wield such power. Instead, they advocate for Prince Aemond to take on the role of regent. Coincidentally, this is what Aemond desires and he swiftly orders for all rat catchers to be removed.

As a gamer, I can’t help but feel a pang of sadness when I see Cheese’s faithful dog left behind, huddled next to his fallen master in the game’s streets. I wish someone could take him in and give him a new home, but knowing that this isn’t an option and he’s not a major character makes it a bitter pill to swallow. As we watch Cheese being taken away, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of empathy for the loyal dog, who has been left behind and forgotten by many.

I firmly believe that in a dragon war, our nation necessitates a strong and capable leader with a deep connection to these magnificent beasts. And that person is none other than Aemond. During the climax of the episode, Helaena poses a poignant question to him: was it all worth the cost?

When Aemond begins his rule, he issues a command to shut the city gates. It’s essential that the common folk remain within the walls, and safeguarding the city against possible reprisals from the Blacks is a priority.

House of the Dragon season 2 episode 5 recap: The aftermath of Rook's Rest

Jacaerys Velaryon gathers support for Rhaenyra

The Blacks haven’t quite reached the point of attacking King’s Landing just yet. They’re still grieving over the death of Rhaenys and pondering their next moves. With Rhaenyra’s Small Council making decisions in her stead, she is unable to lead any assault. Determined to take action, Jacaerys comes up with a plan.

As a dedicated fan, I’d recount it as follows: When conversing with Baela, I come to understand that if Daemon fails to mobilize an army from Harrenhal, there exists another potential avenue for securing Cregan Stark’s forces for Dragonstone. I must pay a visit to the Freys at the Twins. Should they be willing to lend their assistance, they demand Harrenhal in return. This proposition is something I can present to Rhaenyra for further discussion.

Rhaenyra considers Jace’s suggestion, but her current predicament is more pressing as they’ve already lost two people and two dragons in the war. She mentions that Sunfyre has reportedly perished, though this information isn’t officially confirmed by the Greens yet. Jace brings up their remaining dragons, capable of fighting without riders. He proposes an intriguing idea: they could search for individuals with Targaryen and Velaryon lineage to discover potential new dragonriders. The episode concludes with a renewed sense of hope as they devise a plan to find such individuals.

Baela calls out Corlys on his grief in House of the Dragon

Rhaenyra is making an effort to win over Corlys, who is still grieving for his late wife. It’s a reasonable response from Corlys, but he is mistaken in his accusations. Baela brings this up when she visits him with the message that Rhaenyra wants him to serve as her chief advisor.

I recall Baela gently reminding me that it was Rhaenys herself who yearned for battle. Her desire burned as brightly as dragonfire, mirroring her daughter Laena’s fierce spirit. Just as Rhaenys wished, she met her end in a blaze of glory. A fact Corlys should keep close to heart. He isn’t alone in his grief; we all share the same sorrow for the loss of such an honorable woman.

As Baela departs, Corlys calls out, proposing that she become his successor at Driftmark. However, Baela refuses, reminding him that she’s more “blood and flame.” Instead, Corlys requires someone with the essence of “salt and sea.”

House of the Dragon season 2 episode 5 recap: The aftermath of Rook's Rest

Daemon gains and loses support as he has more twisted visions

In the fifth episode of “House of the Dragon” season 2, Daemon goes through an extraordinary vision. During this vision in Harrenhal, he encounters a woman with Targaryen hair. She reveals to him that if he had been the eldest son, he would have been the heir. Shockingly, she declares him as her preferred son.

Daemon faces yet another challenge when he leads a group of Blackwood men and his dragon, Caraxes, to persuade the Bracken clan to join their side. He issues a stern warning, threatening them with devastating dragon fire if they refuse. Surprisingly, the Bracken men opt for the dragon fire and depart peacefully. Daemon admires their courage and spares their lives. Instead of using force, he instructs the Blackwoods to employ any means necessary to win over the Brackens as allies.

The Brackens weren’t too pleased with my sudden allegiance change. In the dead of night, they confronted Daemon, accusing him directly for ordering the slaughter of their women. They found it unforgivable that he could give such an order and even more so, reminded him of his past transgression – the murder of a child in front of its mother, referring to Jaehaerys’ tragic end. Unwilling to support a tyrant, they refused to raise their banners for Rhaenyra.

Rhaenyra has been preoccupied throughout the episode with the fear that Daemon would rally supporters for his own rule, and it appears he is attempting to do so. Nevertheless, this plan doesn’t seem to be gaining traction. Although Daemon aspires to be Westeros’s king, the populace disagrees. There are reasons why Viserys and later Rhaenyra were selected for the position.

Rhaena and Jeyne Arryn discuss being held back

In the fifth episode of “House of the Dragon” season 2, there’s a tranquil pause at the Vale. Lady Jeyne Arryn expresses her displeasure towards Rhaenyra for sending only baby dragons and dragon eggs with Rhaena and the boys. Rhaena reminds her that these dragons will eventually grow, but that process takes patience.

Rhaena and the other person appear to reach a consensus despite this. However, Rhaena feels displeased with the task bestowed upon her by Rhaenyra, much like Jeyne’s discontentment towards the dragons Rhaenyra has provided for her.

It’s possible that this event is a sign of things to come, hinting at the future development of Rhaena’s character. Based on spoilers, she could eventually acquire Sheepstealer. Could this be the beginning of her quest for this significant item in the young Targaryen’s journey?

In this episode, the action was relatively subdued. Yet, it laid the groundwork for the following three installments. Every development in this storyline carries significance for the characters and the potential conflict between the two (or possibly three, considering Daemon’s narrative) factions of the Dance of the Dragons.

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2024-07-15 05:23