911: Lone Star season 5, episode 5 recap and review: “Thunderstruck”

911: Lone Star season 5, episode 5 recap and review: "Thunderstruck"

As a gamer who has spent countless hours observing and interacting with virtual pets in video games, I can confidently say that animals, even those in fictional worlds, exhibit emotions and behaviors that mirror real-life ones. The latest episode of 911: Lone Star, season 5, episode 5, beautifully portrayed this truth through the character of Thunder, the troubled horse.

Numerous discussions revolve around whether animals possess emotions or not. Simply observing them can confirm this, as demonstrated in the fifth episode of the fifth season of ‘911: Lone Star’.

Caution: This post contains SPOILERS for 911: Lone Star season 5, episode 5.

This episode features several continuous storylines unfolding. Particularly, Owen grapples with the remorse he harbors for abandoning his brother. Despite Thunder the horse being unwell and somewhat unpredictable, he’s determined to prevent its euthanasia. As a result, he’s concentrating on locating an alternative residence for Thunder.

At times, euthanasia might be the kindest option for an animal. In Thunder’s case, though, I don’t believe it was the right time. When he accompanied his rider, he wasn’t acting recklessly. Instead, he was trying to provide aid by getting his rider medical help, but he couldn’t communicate this. There comes a poignant instant when Thunder seems to bid farewell to his rider, and yes, animals do comprehend death and loss. They do grieve too.

The conclusion was ideal. It seems there might have been a touch of flirtation between Owen and Marlene. Both seemed to be flirting, yet for Marlene, I believe that’s just her nature. Nevertheless, the longer they interact, the more I anticipate they’ll discover qualities they appreciate in each other. Unfortunately, Judd is going to find himself in an uncomfortable situation!

T.K. and Carlos go to marriage counselling in 911: Lone Star season 5, episode 5

In this particular episode, there was a focus on T.K. and Carlos’ storyline. Kicking off the show, we found them in therapy sessions, and frankly, I’m not sure I’m ready for another “sexy time” reference just yet. It was undeniably amusing, but it did add a touch of awkwardness to the situation.

T.K. made some valid points, indeed. However, Carlos has developed an unhealthy fixation on this matter, and it’s understandable given the circumstances – who wouldn’t want to find their father’s murderer? The problem lies in the fact that Carlos can’t seem to separate his personal life from work. With their first anniversary approaching, it’s crucial for him to focus more on his relationship again.

I’m glad Carlos heeded the constructive feedback. To be fair, T.K. isn’t flawless, but Carlos now recognizes the importance of prioritizing his relationship. Thank goodness he disregarded Sam’s suggestion about gifts. Honestly, mate, your wife doesn’t grasp it; the standards are so low that she no longer anticipates anything from you. If that particular bouquet held significant meaning, things might have been different, but it seems this marriage isn’t as blissful as Sam imagines.

Carlos’s gift turned out to be incredibly thoughtful. It may have seemed insignificant, but it demonstrated that he had paid attention and valued their relationship. He wants to express his love sincerely, so he vows to store all work-related items in a box each night. Home time is meant for the both of them.

In addition to demonstrating attentiveness, some of which stemmed from Tommy’s suggestions, T.K. was also shown listening deeply to her concerns regarding her marriage with Charles. Her approach during this conversation was heartfelt and well-executed. There’s a maternal bond between them that was evident in this scene, and it was poignantly portrayed. I believe she felt compelled to discuss Charles in this moment as well. I admired how Gina Torres managed to make her eyes sparkle when speaking about Charles in this particular episode, as the love for a lost spouse doesn’t simply vanish.

I was grateful to see more of Carlos at work in 911: Lone Star season 5, episode 5. There was the call out to the bus where everyone started seizing, and it turned out to be some sort of drug trafficking ring. Carlos and Sam were able to get to work to figure out where the drugs were being transported to, and we got this great moment of Sam showing us why he makes a great Texas Ranger—even if he’s not the greatest husband. I would love to see more of this throughout the rest of the series, and yes, I’m here for a spin-off.

911: Lone Star airs Mondays at 8/7c on FOX. Catch up the following day on Hulu.

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2024-10-22 17:53